Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 7 May 2024
Recorded by Christina Rothwell
link to agenda for this meeting:
Kristen Eberlein, Stan Doherty, Bob Johnson, Eliot Kimber, Zoe Lawson, Christina Rothwell, Eric Sirois, Leroy Steinbacher, Dawn Stevens, Frank Wegmann
Regrets: Scott Hudson, Robert Anderson, Nancy Harrison
1. Approve minutes from previous business meeting:
- Dawn Stevens second the motion to approve the meeting minutes.
2. Announcements
- Adobe DITA world is scheduled for 11-13 June 2024. If you are interested in speaking, send an e-mail to
3. Transition to new OASIS infrastructure: How is it going?
- Frank had success.
- Eric having difficulties with the new OASIS system and he is in communication with those who can help.
4. DITA 2.0 reviews
- Dawn created a pull request.
- Kris might not be able to set up content fusion reviews because her personal laptop is being repaired and her Mayo laptop does not allow her to do Content Fusion reviews.
- Need volunteers for setting up the content fusion reviews.
- Leroy and Zoe are willing to help with content fusion reviews.
- Requirements for setting up content fusion reviews:
* Oxygen XML Editor
* Content Fusion plug-in
* GitHub Client
* Must be able to authenticate through the Oxygen evaluation server
- Anticipating that indexing will be "ugly and contentious" that expectation from history and indexing content is legacy verbiage that has been in the spec since 1.0.
5. Navigation and functionality for new wiki (Wegmann and Rothwell)
- Frank checked what we have done. Discussed on January 30.
- Frank will try to get us up to speed where we were at the time.
- Looking at the wiki from a content and function perspective.
- Zoe proposed a scratch pad area to gather ideas.
- Kris is hoping Frank and Christina can figure out what we can do with these pages and limitations of the side bar that lists all the pages that we create in alphabetical order, which is not the best user experience.
- Frank provided information about revising the side bar previously.
- All links from the DITA 2.0 page are fully functional.
6. Action items
- See Current action items
11:30 am ET close
Christina Rothwell
Senior Engineering Program Manager
Content Strategist
KM Tools Team
HPE Operations
+1 (508) 467-0215
Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Christina Rothwell
Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE)