I apologize for sending an attachment to the general EnergyInterop list.
As you know, we have been working for the last year to bring the financial trading perspective to CTS as a profile of the specification Energy Interoperation. To that end, we have been working with the FIX Trading Community to align semantics and interactions.
As most of you are aware, the upgrade at OASIS from the web technologies they have been using since the 1990s (with minor upgrades) to a modern web presence has experienced some bumps in the road. I know there is constant hard work in the background, and the pieces will be working soon. I'm glad I am not in charge of this migration.
Be that as it may, the Comments lists and automatic archiving don't seem to be working now, or at least in any way that I can discover. As we prepare for a public review draft, we have received further comments from FIX. Hanno Klein, FIX's technical director, has already accepted the Comment's lists IP license months ago.
In the open spirit of the OASIS "Standards in a Fishbowl" transparency, his latest comments are attached.
For those who are watching, WD18 was the basis for the last public review. WD19 is the version we have been working on since then. We "burned" WD20 with some rough notes on FIX. WD21, was posted last week, but I cannot confirm its distribution as that was the height of the migration – several of you requested that I send them private attachments.
I expect WD22 to be out late Monday for voting at next Thursday's regular TC meeting. You should have received an email with an iCal attachment from our co-chair Bill Cox.
As discussed.
Hanno Klein
Technical Director

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