OASIS Energy Interoperation TC

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Fwd: [TC Comment List] Re: Comments from FIX Trading Community for CTS 1.0 csd04

  • 1.  Fwd: [TC Comment List] Re: Comments from FIX Trading Community for CTS 1.0 csd04

    Posted 11-20-2024 10:24
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    ---------- Forwarded message ---------
    From: Hanno Klein <hanno.klein@fixtrading.org>
    Date: Wed, Nov 13, 2024 at 5:25 PM
    Subject: [TC Comment List] Re: Comments from FIX Trading Community for CTS 1.0 csd04
    To: Technical-Committee-Comments@oasis-open.org <Technical-Committee-Comments@oasis-open.org>
    Cc: Jim Kaye <jim.kaye@fixtrading.org>, jim.northey@fintechstandards.net <jim.northey@fintechstandards.net>

    Dear OASIS TC members,


    Please find attached comments and changetracked edits for CTS V1.0 csd04. We have an additional general comment. Many of the document tables contain a column called "FIX fields" to point to standard FIX fields that are semantically equivalent to the CTS data elements where applicable. However, there is no message context for the FIX fields, and they may be different depending on the message used. This may create ambiguities and cause confusion for a reader who is familiar with FIX. The better approach would be to drop that level of detail in the tables whilst keeping the many references to and background information for FIX concepts in the remainder of the specification.


    The final CTS v1.0 spec can then be the basis for a mapping of fully expanded CTS messages to complete FIX messages (both represented by an Orchestra XML file). This would uncover all gaps, including those where an existing FIX field exists but not inside the FIX message used for the mapping. Currently, the tables may show a FIX field that is nonetheless a gap because it is not available in the right message. This is especially relevant for fields needed as message identifiers to ensure a proper workflow.






    Hanno Klein
    Technical Director


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