Minutes of Atlantic UBL TC call 08 May 2024 14:00UTC
Atlantic: 09:00MSP/10:00Ottawa/14:00UTC/16:00Europe
Todd Albers
Craig Atkinson
Kenneth Bengtsson (chair)
Erlend Klakegg Bergheim
Peter Borresen
Andrea Caccia
Michael Coletta
Paul Donohoe
Kees Duvekot
Sander Fieten
Yves Jordan
Wim Kok
Ole Madsen
Natalie Muric
Ken Holman
Referencing the specification
One of the following should be used as a specific citation:
- OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) v2.4
- OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) v2.3
- OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) v2.2
- OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) v2.1 (ISO/IEC 19845:2015)
The following would be used for a general (any version) citation:
The canonical 2.4 documents are available in the OASIS repository:
- http://docs.oasis-open.org/ubl/cs01-UBL-2.4/
The canonical 2.3 documents are available in the OASIS repository:
- http://docs.oasis-open.org/ubl/os-UBL-2.3/
The canonical 2.2 documents are available in the OASIS repository:
- http://docs.oasis-open.org/ubl/os-UBL-2.2/
The canonical 2.1 documents are available in the OASIS repository:
- http://docs.oasis-open.org/ubl/os-UBL-2.1/
The ISO/IEC catalogue entry for UBL 2.1 is found at:
- http://www.iso.org/iso/catalogue_detail.htm/?csnumber=66370
The ISO/IEC document and attachments for UBL 2.1 are found at:
- http://standards.iso.org/ittf/PubliclyAvailableStandards/
Standing items
Wikipedia page
Updates and maintenance of: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Business_Language
Review of Atlantic call minutes
Minutes available under "Discussion" in the new Community Workspace: https://groups.oasis-open.org/communities/community-home/digestviewer?communitykey=556949c8-dac8-40e6-bb16-018dc7ce54d6
Membership status review
New member orientation information:
Voting status is determined by the following:
- existing voting members must not miss two consecutive meetings to maintain voting status
- non-voting members must attend two consecutive meetings to obtain voting status
- members formally on leave by prior request must not attend and their voting status is not impacted
Current UBL TC voting member list (alphabetical):
- Todd Albers
o Member of X9, X12 B2X, ISO 20022 Payment SEG, OASIS BDXR, and convenor of the Business Payments Coalition e-Invoice work groups
- Craig Atkinson
- Kenneth Bengtsson
o Chair OASIS BDXR TC, Observer OASIS ebXML, DK Expert UN/CEFACT
- Erlend Klakegg Bergheim
o Member OASIS BDXR, Member OASIS ebXML Core & MS, Member CEN/TC434/WS8
- Peter Borresen
o DK Member CEN/TC440, Convenor CEN/TC440/WG7
- Andrea Caccia
- Michael Coletta
- Paul Donohoe
- Kees Duvekot
o Member OASIS BDXR, Member of the NEN TC 434
- Sander Fieten
o Cochair OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC, Cochair OASIS BDXR TC
- Ken Holman
o Member OASIS BDXR, member OASIS Code List Representation TC
- Yves Jordan
- Ole Madsen
o DK Member CEN/TC440
- Natalie Muric
TC Vitality Check
The TC must next appoint or reappoint chair(s) in January 2025.
Next TC vitality check must be made in January 2025.
ICC Standards Presentation
Updated entry to the UNESCAP database: https://www.digitalizetrade.org/implementation-instrument/universal-business-language-ubl
Craig will liaise to get the date of publishment updated once 2.4 is approved as OASIS Standard.
Budapest Face-to-face Meeting
Tentative agenda posted here: https://groups.oasis-open.org/discussion/tentative-agenda-for-the-may-27-to-may-30-ubl-face-to-face-meeting#bmc5fb8cc7-d648-437a-a95e-31675fa824d3
UBL 2.4
Public review of UBL 2.4 as candidate OASIS Standard has been published and will run until May 26. Announcement: https://www.oasis-open.org/2024/04/02/invitation-to-comment-on-universal-business-language-v2-4-before-call-for-consent-as-oasis-standard/
Comments must be submitted to the email address:
- Technical-Committee-Comments@oasis-open.org
and can be viewed here:
- https://groups.google.com/a/oasis-open.org/g/technical-committee-comments/
UBL 2.5
Deprecation Policy
The TC has approved a UBL Deprecation Policy version 1.0 available here:
- https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=71497&wg_abbrev=ubl (PDF)
- https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=71496&wg_abbrev=ubl (ODT)
Publishing tools
Implement deprecation support in the UBL tools and publishing environment.
Erlend has presented a strawman proposal for a YAML-format for documenting 2.5 work: https://github.com/klakegg/oasis-ubl-model. Agreed that the functionality added by a structured format adds value, not least when adding the complexity of deprecated components. A "front end" layer will be needed for business users to maintain the files.
Master spreadsheets for UBL 2.5 are available here:
- Library elements: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18o1YqjHWUw0-s8mb3ja4i99obOUhs-4zpgso6RZrGaY/
- Document elements: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1024Th-Uj8cqliNEJc-3pDOR7DxAAW7gCG4e-pbtarsg/
Ken has created a list of changes based on Definition and Cardinality that can be used to populate the "Last change" column: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl/202401/msg00013.html. Kenneth will work on updating the spreadsheet models.
Workgroup participants: Erlend and Kees.
Semantic library review
Documents reviewed by the TC:
- ApplicationResponse
- AttachedDocument
- DocumentStatus
- DocumentStatusRequest
UBL 2.5 issues:
- UBL-357, Circularity and ESG Information elements, and DPP:
o https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/UBL-357
o See also: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl/202401/msg00018.html
§ The TC agrees that UBL shall facilitate the requirements of the digital product passport. A new Product Passport document type will be developed for UBL 2.5.
o Peter and Kenneth are attending WBCSD packaging workshop meetings.
§ Agreed that the UBL TC is interested in establishing a formal liaison if there is mutual interest from the WBCSD.
§ Work is related to DPP and other activities, such as https://environment.ec.europa.eu/topics/waste-and-recycling/packaging-waste_en
o The final text of the EU eco-design regulation is available here: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/TA-9-2024-0303_EN.html
- UBL-375, Standardize use of ApplicationResponse, DocumentStatus, EnquiryResponse, DocumentStatusRequest, and Enquiry:
o https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/UBL-375
o Identified that the use of ApplicationResponse in the Billing diagrams (figures 77, 78 and 79) is incorrect. Kenneth will open a separate ticket.
- UBL-376, Deprecate AttachedDocument document type:
o https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/UBL-376
- UBL-377, new InvoiceResponse document type:
o https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/UBL-377
- UBL-380, deprecate Freight Invoice:
o https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/UBL-380
- UBL-379, deprecate Bill of Lading:
o https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/UBL-379
- UBL-378, remove links from non-normative examples:
o https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/UBL-378
- UBL-381, review Party ABIE:
o https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/UBL-381
- UBL-382, new End User Party:
o https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/UBL-382
- UBL-383, review supplementary components:
o Agreed to review supplementary components at our next face-to-face meeting, i.e., the XML attributes listed here: https://docs.oasis-open.org/ubl/cs01-UBL-2.4/UBL-2.4.html#T-UBL-UNQUALIFIED-DATA-TYPES
o https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/UBL-383
Can we make a tool that users can run in their local environments to create a report about the use of supplementary components?
- Creating a stylesheet to extract the information is simple, but how do we get it out to the users? And what will we use the results for?
- Peter will contact users of UBL to assess how much information we would be able to harvest.
Specification review
Divide specification into multiple parts. Aim is to create a multipart specification.
Kenneth will identify the normative parts of the prose specification and create a first draft.
Workgroup participants: Kees, Kenneth, Levine, and Paul.
JSON syntax binding
Develop specification for a UBL JSON syntax binding.
Workgroup participants: Erlend and Kenneth.
EN 16931 review vote
Wim shared that a vote on whether to review the EN 16931 syntaxes is open: https://groups.oasis-open.org/discussion/agenda-for-atlantic-ubl-tc-call-24-april-2024-1400utc#bmab92f291-40a7-4917-9721-49de81c7d991.
The UBL TC recommends that EN 16931 is updated to reference the latest UBL 2.x version, currently UBL 2.4, which is fully compatible with all UBL versions back to UBL 2.0. It's important to mention, that updating EN 16931 to reference UBL 2.4 does not imply any need for updating existing implementations. It will however futureproof the EN 16931 standard to be able to use UBL information items added after UBL 2.1, if and when needed.
Subcommittee reports
UBL Post-award
UBL Pre-award
The Pre-award SC will be meeting next time May 22 at 16.00. Natalie will send out a meeting invite to the SC mailing list.
UBL Transportation Subcommittee (TSC)
The TSC met March 5, 2024. Discussion about deprecating Freight Invoice, and Waybill or Bill of Lading. Peter will send out meeting minutes.
The TSC will meet before the face-to-face meeting. Peter is proposing Thursday May 16 and will send out an invite to the mailing list.
Peter has rented an Airbnb in Budapest with an extra bedroom, for anyone interested in affordable accommodation.
Peter reported that the Swedish Agency for Traffic has mandated the use of electronic dispatch advices based on UBL: https://bransch.trafikverket.se/contentassets/aac54bf3366a47279a9fa55989f03997/krav-avseende-digitala-foljesedlar.pdf
Organisation Master Data Subcommittee
Payments and Finance SC
Commodities SC
The UBL Commodities Subcommittee has been created.
Website: https://groups.oasis-open.org/communities/tc-community-home2?CommunityKey=f87b5260-9681-4651-afb8-018f41feeddb
Mailing list: OASIS-ubl-commodities@connectedcommunity.org
TC Liaisons
CEN TCs 434 and 440
Agreed at the Copenhagen face-to-face meeting that the UBL TC is open to establish a formal liaison with CEN TC 434 to create a European or international standard for electronic invoicing, if there is an interest from the CEN TC.
OASIS has reported that there is an agreement on a way forward. The TC has agreed to appoint Wim Kok liaison officer to the CEN TC 434, and Peter Borresen as liaison officer to the CEN TC 440, as recorded here: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl/202301/msg00017.html. The appointments have been communicated to OASIS.
Decision to appoint Andrea as liaison representative between ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 and the TC recorded here: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl/202007/msg00014.html
Last year's SC 32 meeting was held on June 2022. OASIS should have been following up with the SC 32 secretariat last year but still no progress. Jamie will follow up with SC 32.
ISO TC 323 (WG5)
Decision to appoint Andrea as liaison representative between ISO TC 323 (WG5) and the TC recorded here: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl/202402/msg00004.html
Subcommittee conference calls
- Subcommittees will be meeting on an as-required basis.
TC conference call schedule
Face-to-face meeting
Time and venue for next face-to-face meeting?
Spring meeting:
- Budapest, May 27-30, 2024.
Fall meeting:
- Confirmed that Logius will host us in The Hague November 11-14, 2024.
Call schedule
Agreed to temporarily suspend the Pacific calls while we have no participants from the Pacific region. Pacific calls will be reinstated upon request from any TC member.
- Pacific: Canceled
- Atlantic: 09:00MSP/10:00Ottawa/14:00UTC/16:00Europe
- Canceled
2024-05-27 to 2024-05-30
- UBL TC meeting in Budapest
- Face-to-face and online
- Canceled
- Pacific: Canceled
- Atlantic: 09:00MSP/10:00Ottawa/14:00UTC/16:00Europe
- Pacific: Canceled
- Atlantic: 09:00MSP/10:00Ottawa/14:00UTC/16:00Europe
- Pacific: Canceled
- Atlantic: 09:00MSP/10:00Ottawa/14:00UTC/16:00Europe
TC calendar
iCal subscription link: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup_feeds/ical/my_vcalendar.ics?token=fa658a7994a6cefb10c10be09e139af3&workgroup_id=50
Other business
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