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  • 1.  Motion to accept the Product Lifecycle Definition

    Posted 09-19-2024 03:01

    Dear OpenEoX TC Members,


    As discussed in our monthly TC meeting on 2024-09-18 regarding GitHub issue #35 (https://github.com/oasis-tcs/openeox/issues/35) about the "Product Lifecycle" definition.


    I hereby submit the following motion and request that if seconded and no objection received per this list before one week has passed on 2024-09-26 23:00 UTC to automatically carry.


    We will state the result per mail to this list when the period has passed.


    I, Thomas Schaffer, move to accept the OpenEoX definition for "Product Lifecycle", as documented in GitHub issue #35: https://github.com/oasis-tcs/openeox/issues/35




    Best regards,


    Thomas Schaffer


    Thomas Schaffer
    Cisco Systems

  • 2.  RE: Motion to accept the Product Lifecycle Definition

    Posted 09-19-2024 07:28
    I, Przemyslaw Roguski (Rogue), second this motion.

    Best regards,

    Przemyslaw Roguski

    Principal Product Security Engineer

    Red Hat

    email: proguski@redhat.com
    nickname: Rogue

  • 3.  RE: Motion to accept the Product Lifecycle Definition

    Posted 09-26-2024 20:00

    Dear OpenEoX TC Members,

    The motion to accept the OpenEoX definition for "Product Lifecycle", as documented in GitHub issue #35: https://github.com/oasis-tcs/openeox/issues/35 has passed.

    Best regards,

    Omar Santos