OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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ODF 1.4 document re-organized in Github for approval of CSD 01

  • 1.  ODF 1.4 document re-organized in Github for approval of CSD 01

    Posted 03-07-2024 10:45

    Dear ODF TC members


    Please be advised that I have re-organized the content of the folder 'odf-tc/docs/odf1.4' on Github to align with the expected structure of deliverables in the formal OASIS approval process. This is explained in the comments with the latest commit, which I repeat here:


    The documents that the ODF TC has been working on up to this point, including the master tracked documents and Working Drafts 01 and 02 remain where there were previously, i.e. in folders 'part1-introduction' etc directly within 'odf-tc/docs/odf1.4'.


    The documents for the formal approval stages will have their own folders within 'odf1.4', e.g. 'csd01', and the structure below that reflects the structure in which documents are expected to be held in the OASIS document server.


    The latest drafts of Parts 1 through 4 in the formal stages are also available directly from the top-level folder 'odf-fc/docs/odf1.4', but with the stage identifier (e.g. 'csd01') removed from the filename in each case. This reflects the current storage structure on the OASIS document server, as is documented in the front matter of each Part.


    Note that at this point only the .odt versions of documents are available. The editors will arrange for HTML and PDF versions to be generated in due course.


    Kind regards,





    Francis Cave

    ODF 1.4 co-editor