We have several items marked as "Open" from the Dave Alvin review. Here is a summary:
A PDF of the review and comments is attached.
For an updated version of the DITA 2.0 in which you can more easily read the indexing content, see https://groups.oasis-open.org/higherlogic/ws/public/document?document_id=72167&wg_id=c2c11e3a-c9cd-43d9-840b-018dc7cd5db9 References to material in this PDF is highlighted yellow, whereas references to the review PDF have no color coding.
- Term or subject: Between the Clifton Chenier and Dave Alvin review, we shifted from referring simply to "term" to "term or subject". See page 4 of the attached review PDF. The essence of Eliot's comment: "What is the significance of "term or subject" here, as opposed to just "term". I don't think we defined "subject" in the context of indexes ..."
- Eberlein note: The phrase "term and subject" appears in the following four locations in the updated DITA 2.0 spec:
i. 7.2.2 Index elements: Definition of <indexterm>, <index-see>, and <index-see-also> (page 135)
ii. 7.2.4 Index locations: Short description (page 136)
- Edge cases: Do we need to discuss them more? See page 7 of the attached review PDF.
- Rules for index ranges are too restrictive:
- 1.6 Index ranges: page 8, 9
- Note: These rules reflect DITA 1.x. If we want to consider loosening these rules, we need to think of interoperability.
- Clarify rule? Add additional example? See page 10 (1.6 Index ranges) or page 137 in the latest DITA 2.0 spec draft.