OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

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Open items from indexing review (Dave Alvin)

  • 1.  Open items from indexing review (Dave Alvin)

    Posted 08-26-2024 09:20
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    We have several items marked as "Open" from the Dave Alvin review. Here is a summary:


    A PDF of the review and comments is attached.


    For an updated version of the DITA 2.0 in which you can more easily read the  indexing content, see https://groups.oasis-open.org/higherlogic/ws/public/document?document_id=72167&wg_id=c2c11e3a-c9cd-43d9-840b-018dc7cd5db9  References to material in this PDF is highlighted yellow, whereas references to the review PDF have no color coding.


    1. Term or subject: Between the Clifton Chenier and Dave Alvin review, we shifted from referring simply to "term" to "term or subject". See page 4 of the attached review PDF. The essence of Eliot's comment: "What is the significance of "term or subject" here, as opposed to just "term". I don't think we defined "subject" in the context of indexes ..."
      1. Eberlein note: The phrase "term and subject" appears in the following four locations in the updated DITA 2.0 spec:

                                                                   i.      7.2.2 Index elements: Definition of <indexterm>, <index-see>, and <index-see-also> (page 135)

                                                                 ii.      7.2.4 Index locations: Short description (page 136)

    1. Edge cases: Do we need to discuss them more? See page 7 of the attached review PDF.

    2. Rules for index ranges are too restrictive:
      1. 1.6 Index ranges: page 8, 9
      2. Note: These rules reflect DITA 1.x. If we want to consider loosening these rules, we need to think of interoperability.

    3. Clarify rule? Add additional example? See page 10 (1.6 Index ranges) or page 137 in the latest DITA 2.0 spec draft.



