OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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  • 1.  Question on Sort proposal -

    Posted 07-06-2024 21:09

    On the data type question in:


    Any seems awfully broad for values limited to -1 and 1.

    That said, I don't think the suggested ForceArray Reference|Array
    captures positive integer values as a data type.

    Is the data type positive integer with its expression the matter of a note?

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


  • 2.  RE: Question on Sort proposal -

    Posted 07-07-2024 05:12

    Hi Patrick, hi all,

    "any" is broad. But how to write it? Maybe 'Integer|Array' to restrict it a little bit?

    'positiveInteger' does not exist as parameter type in part 4.

    I just see, a constrain for Sort_index is missing: The values in an array need to be unique.

    And perhaps put the sentence "The array may be given by reference, as function result or as inline array." in a Note? It is valid for Sort_index and Sort_order.

    BTW, I can still not upload a file 'multilevelSort.ods'. Error message: "Must be a supported file. Unable to upload."

    Regina Henschel
    The Document Foundation

  • 3.  RE: Question on Sort proposal -

    Posted 07-07-2024 11:21


    That HTML email is awful! Converted to text for a more sensible reply.

    On 7/7/2024 5:12 AM, Regina Henschel via OASIS wrote:
    Hi Patrick, hi all,   "any" is broad. But how to write it? Maybe 'Integer|Array' to restrict it a little bit? 

    Why not Boolean since it is restricted to 1, -1? Defaults to 1.

      'positiveInteger' does not exist as parameter type in part 4.  


    Francis: We never normatively reference part 3 in part 4. Bug?

    Of course then we need to be careful that none of the datatypes conflict.

    Perhaps better to treat absence of positiveInteger as a bug for ODF 1.5?

     I just see, a constrain for Sort_index is missing: The values in an array need to be unique.

    Yes, good catch!

     And perhaps put the sentence "The array may be given by reference, as function result or as inline array." in a Note? It is valid for Sort_index and Sort_order.

    Do you mean to say the Sort_Index and Sort_Order may be given by an array separate from the array of values?

     BTW, I can still not upload a file 'multilevelSort.ods'. Error message: "Must be a supported file. Unable to upload." 

    I saved your file on this issue with a test name and uploaded it to misc.

    Look under workspace. The site is still odd and changing. Maybe it will work today.

    Thanks for all your work on this!


      ------------------------------ Regina Henschel The Document Foundation Dortmund ------------------------------ 

    Original Message:
    Sent: 7/7/2024 5:12:00 AM
    From: Regina Henschel
    Subject: RE: Question on Sort proposal -

    Hi Patrick, hi all,

    "any" is broad. But how to write it? Maybe 'Integer|Array' to restrict it a little bit?

    'positiveInteger' does not exist as parameter type in part 4.

    I just see, a constrain for Sort_index is missing: The values in an array need to be unique.

    And perhaps put the sentence "The array may be given by reference, as function result or as inline array." in a Note? It is valid for Sort_index and Sort_order.

    BTW, I can still not upload a file 'multilevelSort.ods'. Error message: "Must be a supported file. Unable to upload."

    Regina Henschel
    The Document Foundation

  • 4.  RE: Question on Sort proposal -

    Posted 07-07-2024 15:34

    > Francis: We never normatively reference part 3 in part 4. Bug?


    I have found the following references to Part 3 in Part 4 (ODF 1.4, CSD 02):


    • 3.3 Non-scalar evaluation, (2) Matrix evaluation: reference to Part 3 Section 19.683
    • 4.6 Error, paragraph 3: references to Part 3 Sections 19.389 and 19.383
    • 5.10.2 Quoted label – Lookup of defined labels: references to Part 3 Sections 9.4.9, 19.612, 19.660, 19.690.4
    • GETPIVOTDATA – Preferred syntax: reference to Part 3 Section 9.6.3
    • GETPIVOTDATA – Alternative syntax: reference to Part 3 Section 19.647.4
    • 6.16.60 SUBTOTAL, Semantics, second bullet: reference to Part 3 Section 19.754


    Some if not all of these references are normative, so I think this is a longstanding bug which we should probably fix in ODF 1.5. I say "probably", because the Part 4 lists Part 3 as an 'Additional artefact' in the same Work Package, and OASIS conventions may state that an additional artefact doesn't/shouldn't be listed in the Normative References. However, according to the ISO/IEC Directives Part 2, clause 15, any external document that contains provisions that constitute a requirement on the current document must be listed in the Normative Reference clause.

