OASIS Energy Interoperation TC

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  • 1.  upcoming EITC meetings

    Posted 08-13-2024 14:37

    Greetings EITC,


    The Common Transactive Services 1.0 spec went through public review earlier this year. We have been working to update the spec based on feedback received from the public review, and with further input from the FIX Transactive Resources WG. We are nearing a clean draft to put out for another public review.


    This Thursday, Aug 15, 11:00 ET we will have an EITC workshop meeting to review WD27 (still a work in progress), posted here:



    Then next Thursday, Aug 22, 11:00 ET we will have a regular EITC meeting to review a complete and clean WD28 that is the pre-public review draft with all the sections present and stable.


    Look forward to meeting,



    Both calls will be on the OpenADR Alliance GTM:


    You can also dial in using your phone.
    (For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.)

    United States: +1 (646) 749-3122
    - One-touch: tel:+16467493122,,940291957#


    David Holmberg, PhD

    Mechanical Systems and Controls Group

    Building Energy and Environment Division

    NIST Engineering Laboratory

    301-529-4348 (cell)


  • 2.  RE: upcoming EITC meetings

    Posted 08-22-2024 10:32

    Greetings EITC,


    We will meet again today in half hour. Bill posted the latest draft of the CTS spec (ei-cts-v1.0-wd28 v12-WTC-WIP-20240821)


    We will look at this, any unresolved comments, needed edits, latest inputs from FIX, discuss schedule and work needed in order to finalize and get out for Public Review. We may need one more EITC regular meeting to vote out the final PR spec, or perhaps vote it out with agreed on changes, if we get through it today. The goal is to put out for a relatively short PR.  


    Today's EITC attendance counts toward voting rights.


    We will still be using Rolf's GTM at link below.




  • 3.  RE: upcoming EITC meetings

    Posted 08-22-2024 11:08

    Hi everyone,


    Bill and I are on the line, but think we just convert this to workshop meeting for today. We will need another meeting with a final PR-ready doc, hopefully next week, but not crossing my fingers.

