OASIS Open Project Administration

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Welcome to your new OASIS TC Workspace

  • 1.  Welcome to your new OASIS TC Workspace

    Posted 03-02-2024 09:15
    Welcome to the new Workspace home for OASIS Open Project Administration!  
    This new platform provides new features and a modern email system which will improve your committee's ability to collaborate!  Let's dive in!

    Your new Committee homepage is now found at https://groups.oasis-open.org/communities/community-home?CommunityKey=91ad5d67-7b1b-4628-ab9d-018dc7d3f260.  

    You will find the vital TC assets you are accustomed to - Documents, Roster, Ballots on the Workspace tab.  All your previously created content is there ready for you.   Your mail archives are on the Discussions.  Your legacy mail may not be visible yet - but it will be.  Processing 20 years of OASIS' members email takes time!

    Many links created in the legacy system will redirect to their new location, we recommend you use the new system's navigation as your primary access.

    Your committee's new email address is oasis-open-project-administration@ConnectedCommunity.org  

    We expect this new system will enhance deliverability of group email and provide a more modern user experience.  Note that  future messages sent to the legacy address cannot be forwarded due to email anti-spam and security issues.  

    The new system takes advantage of our new SSO system and does not use your legacy "kavi" password.  It uses your "community" credentials with the user name in the form of an email address.  Problems logging in?  Contact member-services@oasis-open.org

    We welcome your questions and comments about the new Workspace platform.   We are ready to answer your questions sent to workspace-transition-questions@oasis-open.org

    Your input will guide our continued efforts to find the best possible configuraiton for the new system (to the extent that SaaS tools allow ;-))

    THANK YOU for your patience!  Moving to a new platform has been a long time coming and a long time in migration.  Your work deserves better than the legacy platform could deliver and we believe the new platform delivers.  Enjoy!



    Scott McGrath

    Chief Operating Officer

    OASIS Open


    +1 781-929-7308 Mobile