These are mostly minor tweaks, discovered while implementing PR04. Thanks to the NJIT team for their input.
1) EiResponseType has older attribute names. Update and integrate comment on error indications. MarketTermsViolated is no longer meaningful.
2) WarrantType should use the WarrantIdType.
3) Warrants in ProductType should be consistent. Figure 3-3 and Table 3-2 are inconsistent-the figure shows warrantId: WarrantIdType[0..n] and the table shows WarrantDesignator:WarrantIdType and "optional". Make consistent.
4) Consider whether EiCancelTenderPayload should have attribute tenderId [1..n] in addition to MarketOrderIdType. Cardinality should be the same.
5) EiCreateQuotePayload has AtMostOne; add comment/note that "AllOrNone" is included via TenderBase.
6) In EiCreatedQuotePayload marketQuoteId is 1..1 and quoteId is [0..n]. These should have the same cardinality and be parallel to EiCreate(d)Tender
7) In EiCreatedQuotePayload why is partyId 0..n while counterPartyId is 1..1; consider differences and justify choice.
8) Pattern for lifting quotes should show EiAcceptedQuote payload going to party and counterparty (required to be able to maintain position information)