When:  May 25, 2010 from 08:00 to 09:00 (PT)
Description: Toll Numbers: USA +1-770-615-1250 Toll-Free Numbers: USA 877-421-0033 Participant Passcode: 730614 (Hosted by IBM) WebEx Web Conferencing (hosted by Cisco): 1. Go to https://ciscosales.webex.com/ciscosales/e.php?AT=WMI&EventID=116261262&P W=22ee1a12575d4f0d 2. Enter your name and email address. 3. Enter the meeting password: dita 4. Click "Join Now".

Agenda: DITA TC Wiki: http://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita/FrontPage 8:00-8:05 Roll call * Regrets: Paul Grosso, Don Day (Gershon Joseph to chair) STANDING BUSINESS: Approve minutes from previous business meeting: * http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201005/msg00087.html (18 May 2010 meeting, Bruce Nevin) Subcommittee/liaison reports: * OASIS DITA Adoption TC * OASIS DITA Learning Content Subcommittee * OASIS DITA Machine Industry Subcommittee * OASIS DITA Semiconductor Information Design Subcommittee * OASIS DITA for Enterprise Business Documents Subcommittee * OASIS DITA Help Subcommittee * OASIS DITA Pharmaceutical Content Subcommittee * OASIS DITA in Composite Environments Subcommittee * OASIS DITA for the Web 2.0 Subcommittee * OASIS DITA Technical Communication Subcommittee (on hold until 1.2 draft is out) * OASIS DITA for Technical Standards Subcommittee (inactive) * OASIS DITA Translation Subcommittee (inactive pending new business) Action Items: (Review opens) http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/dita/members/action_items.php Comments: (Track and close on replies) http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita-comment/ BUSINESS: Key links: * Home page for review #4 * PDF formatting issues * Guidelines for authors and reviewers * Timeline for draft-to-approval process 1. ITEM: Vote on DITA 1.2 spec CD 01 submission for public review * Review status of TechReview5 * Normative spec (XHTML) download: o http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/dita/email/archives/201005/msg00138.html 2. ITEM: Check on schedule: * Date Actual date Description 5 April 2010 8 April 2010 Writers complete addressing all review #3 comments. 12 April 2010 12 April 2010 Fourth internal review begins. This review will include the OASIS DITA Adoption Committee and the OASIS Technical Advisory Board (TAB). DITA TC members will review only selected topics and sections; members of the Adoption Committee and the TAB are welcome to review everything. 30 April 2010 30 April 2010 Fourth internal review ends. 4 May 2010 4 May 2010 TC to discuss extent and number of review comments. Decide which to defer or decide not to handle. JoAnn and Gershon will bring summary of comments from Adoption TC; Kris, Robert, Gershon, and Elliot will come to the meeting having assessed, categorized, and review comments from the sections of the spec for which they are responsible. Paul Grosso will help Elliot. 16 May 2010 16 May 2010 Authors complete all review comments. 18-25 May 2010 TC members review DITA 1.2 spec prior to TC vote. 25 May 2010 TC votes on whether to submit DITA 1.2 for public review. 1 June 2010 Final draft submitted to OASIS for public review. 3. ITEM: PDF formatting * Status update report from Seth Park, Kristen Eberlein * http://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita/PDFFormattingIssues 4. ITEM: Review action items generated by this meeting Things that can be accomplished DURING public review (treat as ongoing checks for now): 1. Tweak OASIS-styled XSL and CSS files 2. Lessons Learned--Consensus to begin this activity after 1.2 is approved as a spec, but start keeping notes. 3. Scan Wiki pages for review #1, review #2, and review #3 to identify items deferred to DITA 1.3 * Link with the work plan of items to handle during the public review * Discuss in a future meeting with more participants (request per Gershon) Onging checks: 1. dita.xml.org page on build scripts (Stan) 2. ITEM: Domain integrator * DITA DTD Generator * http://dita-generator.appspot.com/shell * http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/200907/msg00116.html (Robert's message with more info) * OASIS hosting of a Web GUI for this generator? 3. ITEM: Request for input on DITA 1.2 use: * Status of DITA OT 1.5 reference implementation of 1.2 features: o http://dita.xml.org/wiki/plans-for-dita-ot-15 o Note new list below for collecting affirmations of use. 4. ITEM: Review 1.2 list for items that should be considered for 1.3 * Update the DITA 1.3 list on the Wiki (Gershon) * Action check: Gershon to add his research into the DITA 1.3 Proposals table. 8:50-8:55 Announcements/Opens 8:55 Adjourn


Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum true
Counts toward voter eligibility true
Individual Attendance Members: 15 of 184 (8%)
Voting Members: 10 of 14 (71%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Companies: 9 of 64 (14%)
Voting Companies: 7 of 9 (77%)