Trans WS face to face meeting

When:  Oct 24, 2006

Agenda: The objective of the meeting is to consolidate what we have done with the work on the committee specification and to plan the future for the Translation Web services standard. The agenda for the meeting will include: Time Topic 10 AM Introduction Objectives for the day 10.30 AM The Ignite project implementation – Kevin will take us through this with a discussion and demonstration 11.45 AM Translation Web services – What next – This will focus on where we want to go with the standard and how we intend to get there. We are a small TC whose members have lots of other commitments. We need to discuss what should be the next steps for the standard and how we can achieve this. The aim from this part of the meeting is to get a clear road map with commitments form people that they can help with this work. 1.00 PM Lunch 1.45 PM Translation Web services – What next – continued IPR Transition in your agenda - the TC needs to decide which IPR mode they want to transition to (RF/RAND, RF/Limited, or RAND). All TCs must complete the process by mid-April 2007. 3.00 PM Conclusions

Minutes: Translation Web Services Face to Face meeting – October 24th LRC XI Conference – Dublin 1/ Present: Martin Smyllie, Paul Hardy, Tony Jewtushenko, Kevin Bargary, Florian Sasche, Peter Reynolds 2/ Objectives Peter outlined the objectives of today which were to get completion on the committee specification on decide on where we should go to next. 3/ Ignite demonstration Kevin demonstrated the work he has done on the implementation of the Translation Web services standard. This led to a discussion on the specification. 4/ Committee specification The meeting reviewed the specification. Martin suggested there were two areas we should revisit. These were how to do calls such as the AssociateResource could be used in batch mode and how the FileUpload could be used for adding more than one file. It was decided that we amend the calls in the reference files section of the specification so that they can deal with multiple files. We will also add a field called description which can be used to identify what the file is for. We will update the fileUpload call so that it can be used to add multiple files and add an identifier for the file. The section retrieveFullResourceList will be changed to section 6.5 as it is mistakenly called 6.4. Martin and Paul agreed to make the changes to the specification. Kevin and Peter will change the whitepaper and any other documentation which needs to be changed. It was agreed that we need to include more process flow diagrams in the whitepaper to provide more insight into how the specification would be used. 5/ Release of committee specification We agreed that we would have the specification ready by our next meeting on November 8th. If there are any issues we will decide on them at this meeting and resolve at the meeting and through email. When there are no issues we will put together a ballot to approve the draft and submit it for peer review. We will also publish the support material on our section of the OASIS web site. 6/ Promoting the standard/ Future direction of the TC. We had a good discussion on the future direction on the TC. It was agreed that we would ideally like to see the TC grow following the release of the specification. Tony and Peter both mentioned that they would like to step down from their positions at some stage in the future. It was agreed that we would try to get Case Studies which could be used to promote the specification. Companies that might be interested in doing this include SDL, Lionbridge, Idiom and thebigword. We saw the way to attract new members was through publishing and promoting the committee specification, whitepaper and case studies. One issue which was seen as potentially important was integration with CMS providers. It is possible that this could be done through the JSR170 standard. It was also suggested that it would be good to get the CMS providers involved. Our options for the future are to grow the existing TC by getting in new members or to join with a TC at OASIS dealing with localization issues include XLIFF. 7/ IPR Policy Tony and Peter outlined the IPR policy at OASIS. There will be a TC ballot on this in the near future.
