XLIFF TC Teleconference

When:  May 6, 2003 from 16:00 to 17:30 (UTC)
Description: Standing XLIFF TC Teleconference (Weekly) Tuesdays 04:00PM London/Dublin / 08:00 AM PST NOTE THE CORRECT DIAL-UP NUMBER: International Dial-In: +44 118 376 9023 Meeting ID: 30543 Next meeting Tuesday, 13 May 2003, 4pm London/Dublin, 8am PST


Minutes: 1. Roll Call 2. Accept / Reject previous meeting minutes: http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200304/msg00045.html 3. Review XLIFF 1.1 Spec Draft 14, RC5, possibly vote to accept as OASIS Committee Spec. 4.Plans and timetable for XLIFF 1.1 committee spec approval. 5.Any other business. Next meeting Tuesday, 13 May 2003, 4pm London/Dublin, 8am PST


Achieved quorum: true
Counts toward voter eligibility: true

Individual Attendance
  • Members: 10 of 41 (24%)
  • Voting Members: 7 of 17 (41%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance
  • Companies: 7 of 19 (36%)
  • Voting Companies: 5 of 10 (50%)

Quorum rule: 51% of voting members