Call-in information will be provided to TC members and observers.
KMIP TC weekly concall
1 Opening remarks/roll call
2 Approval of the agenda
3 Approval of previous meeting minutes
4 Old Business
Consider ballot on final MDO proposal, including spec, UG, test cases (Denis)
Review draft of new ECC algorithms (Denis)
Review draft use cases for crypto, JSON (BobG)
Review draft UG text on attested Get (BobG)
Consider ballot on crypto proposal (TimH)
Consider ballot on JSON and/or XML proposals (TimH)
Consider ballot on template proposals (Tim/Bruce)
Review draft usage guide text on client registration models (BobG / Gordon / Stan)
5 New Business
6 Review Action Items
7 Adjournment
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
51% of voting members
Achieved quorum |
yes |
Individual Attendance |
Guest Attendees: 1 Contributing Members: 28 of 81 (34%) Voting Members: 23 of 34 (67%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance |
Contributing Companies: 14 of 34 (41%) Voting Companies: 13 of 16 (81%)