Setting the recurring meeting schedule for 2015.
DITA TechComm SC Meeting Agenda
A. Adoption White Papers In Review
1. Release Management - Tom Cihak et al.
a. Keith Roberts: expand example
b. JoAnn: extend/edit the introduction
c. TBD: Copy-edit
d. Dave: Investigate the Apache Java tools for generating an
Excel spreadsheet with release information
- POI (
2. MathML/Equations - Autumn Cellar
- in Kavi
B. Adoption White Papers In Progress
1. XML / SVG - Nancy Harrison
2. Learning and Training -- Mark Myers (SAP) and
Jennifer Gemmell (SAP)
Hunt and Amber Swope to support.
C. Adoption White Paper Candidates
1. Dave Hollis' Slides on Reference Content
- in Kavi:
D. Information Modeling
1. Regulatory / Policy writing
a. Bob -- ongoing work on sample implementation
b. Ray Urgo -- will to review/participate soon
2. Agile / scrum - Stan Doherty and Bill Gearhart
a. AI/Stan -- Group the raw document inventory from November into
constituent groupings of originators and consumers.
b. AI/Stan - Run the categorized inventory by Bill Gearhart for
a reality check.
3. Flowchart specialization(s)
- AI/Stan - Collect and categorize the topics/documents referenced
in this email thread.