Please get the dial in information from our private Action Item here:
I Administration (0:00 - 0:10)
A. Roll call
B. Approve meeting minutes, 20 September 2016
C. Revise scheduled for XLIFF 2.1
D. ISO submission of XLIFF 2.0
Pending French translation.
Liaison report to ISO TC 37 (Peter)
E. Action Item progress (as tracked in kavi AI tracker)
F. Check prefix registration.
ITS ID prefix registry (Yves)
G. Call For Dissent: Inline Markup within Change Tracking (Phil)
- latest
H. Call For Dissent for canCopy attribute text (Soroush)
I. Comments on XLIFF 2.1 Draft (Yves)
XLF draft feedback
J. Call for papers for the Montreal Symposium
K. * Generating HTML/PDF for each edit (Yves)
II XLIFF 2.1 (0:10 - 0:45)
Latest printout
* indicates new topic, not yet discussed
A. CanReorder Validation error (Ryan)
B. XLIFF and ITS mapping-ID value (Soroush)
C. Issue with validating extensions (David)
--> new AI for people to register extensions.
--> issue report to Okapi-XLIFF (
D. * XLIFF 2.1 - ITS support; editing calls (Felix)
E. itsm namespace in extension registration (Yves)
F. Proposal on how to move forward with ITS 2.0 support in XLIFF 2.1 (Felix)
G. * Changes for the registration of value prefixes (Yves)
H. * Implementation of XLIFF 2.1 - ITS module (Felix)
Felix will issue a new email.
I. * preparing csd01/csprd01 - Question where to allow ITSM elements and attributes
J. * Change Tracking 2.1 (Yves)
K. * ITS rules file (Felix)
L * Localization Note vs (Yves)
III Sub Committee Report (0:45 - 0:55)
IV Current and New Business (0:55 -
phil (minutes) bryan david soroush lucia felix tom
I.C Motion for working draft. URL needs to be changed. ...msg0065.html
DF: don't have final schematron
SS: adding final bits today.
DF: cannot make the vote until all changes are committed. ...we will have to make an electronic ballot ...we can agree to make the vote once schematron is committed ...instead of ballot in the meeting will set it up afterwards ...I will propose the specific language for the electronic vote
BS: if SS can complete commits then BS or DF could initiate ballot by Friday afternoon and give us time for approval by following friday EDT available to discuss at following Tuesday
DF: Public review has to finish before further changes
csd01/csprd01 Ballot: Title: Approve XLIFF Version 2.1 Working Draft 01 as CSD/CSPRD Question: Do you 1) approve A) XLIFF Version 2.1 Working Draft 01 from 03 October 2016 *.pdf, and *.xml and all associated artifacts at [Revision 71#] as a Committee Specification Draft, designating the html version of the specification as authoritative and B) releasing the Committee Specification Draft for a 30 days public review and 2) direct the TC officers to work with OASIS TC Administration on all tasks required to carry out publishing of the above approved drafts.
DF: progress depends upon the nature of responses and hopefully none will be "material". ...cs01 requires special majority vote ...has to be set up by OASIS Administration
Review Editors Draft...
DF: CTR is most controversial but we have to move forward. ...sent mail about reviewing ITS data categories a couple of weeks ago but no-one came back ...
BS: we will assign reviewers and approver's as part of the public review
DF: [displaying draft]
...Provenance has partial dependency upon CTR.
...ITS Module organised by groups by type of support that the category has
...5.9.9 categories that don't represent metadata after extraction
... Storage Size belongs to 5.9.8. has overlap with XLIFF module
but we had to drop this feature becuase Fredrik did not complete the profile and we cannot wait for it any longer. Anyways, this is isolated and would not touch other than ITSM and SLRM in the future Version such as 2.2
...Provenance data category has overlap with translation candidates and change tracking
...5.9 ITS Module
...has its own conformance statement a) general ITS processors, b) XLIFF Agents categories are independent so it is enough to implement only one from sections 5.9.8. or 5.9.6
...use conformance clauses from ITS specification
...5.9.5 ITS Tools Referencing annotation
...5.9.6 categories fully supported in ITS Module
...XLIFF Agents' conformance only applies to categories fully or partially specified
...Media Registration Template in Appendix A
...Security considerations enhanced after feedback from IANA
...Appendix B quite major changes since 2.0
...usefulness of program listings of validation artifacts was very limited, so these have been removed from the specification document
...schemas and other artifacts now only referenced from this appendix
...5.6 CTR most unstable part at this time
...this could send us to another review
...ctr 2.0 did not allow inline markup and so changed but brought with it a lot of issues that had to be resolved
...2.1 now allows tracking of note, unit, segment, ignorable, source, and target
...does not make sense to track higher up non-modifiable structure and tracking individual inlines would be too messy
...change track attributes now have optional id so that CTRM data is externally referencable element <simpleitem> introduced to cater for simple usecases.. can track all attributes, note, source and target.
...can track any attribute of any allowable core element
...<simpleitem> can track target using appliesTo and ref if there is more than one segment
...cannot have orphans in the tracked source or target. That would enforce Type A content that is only allowed on the fully blown <item>
Meeting adjourned.
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
51% of voting members
Achieved quorum |
yes |
Individual Attendance |
Contributing Members: 7 of 33 (21%) Voting Members: 7 of 8 (87%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance |
Contributing Companies: 5 of 15 (33%) Voting Companies: 5 of 6 (83%)