Regular monthly LEXIDMA TC meeting

When:  Oct 19, 2020 from 13:30 to 15:00 (WET)

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1. Administrative

  • roll call
  • appoint scribe
  • approve minutes from previous meeting

??2. Material

Discuss Maichal's report on subsensing [repo] [mailing list discussion]

3. Closing Admin

  • Recap of agreed actions
  • AOB
  • Adjourn [no later than 1500 WEST]




LEXIDMA meeting 19 October 2020, 14:30-16:00 CEST

1. Administrative

  • roll call - Tomaz, Simon, Iztok, John, David, Milos, Michal, Ilan
  • appoint scribe - Ilan
  • approve minutes from previous meeting 21st September
    - approved.
  • Add to AOB – review GANTT

2. Material

  • Michal prepared report on subsensing in dictionaries [mailing list discussion]
    • was uploaded by David to the repository for future reference [mailing list discussion]
    • serving as a proposal for remodeling
    • has the benefit of flattening senses rather than hierarchical sub-senses
    • interoperable by machines
    • would not be losing any information available in the dictionaries studied
    • John: DWDS example is odd – Michal agrees there should not be separate entries
    • David: is relation-based subsensing recursion, to avoid having an element contain itself
    • Michal: avoid illogical recursion by allowing subsensing
    • David: could have two different entries, one having
    • Ilan: when ready, expand with regard to nested entries and MWEs (as subsenses)
    • Three main patterns: senses inside senses, the child sense is MWE, entry inside entry (incl homographs)
    • take care of all of them by flattening
    • David: should decide who is primary user – machine or human
    • Miloš: homographs need not be indicated explicitly – no clear distinction of homonymy and polysemy – lexicographer may decide either way, the machine can deal with either
    • Simon: possible to establish relation between the two
    • Miloš: Can infer homographs from similar spelling
    • Simon: changing the world of lexicography from book-based logic, so keep the possibility of labeling relations – can label two homonym entries as homonymic
    • Michal: if we follow the same strategy, we become truly members of the digital era
  • Michal will write similar proposal including homographs/homonyms, nesting, MWEs
    • David: we need to be language-agnostic in this sense
    • MWE – making it relational
    • Simon: underdefined, not typically headwords, should not be modelled as subsenses
    • David: don’t agree, depends whether has compositional sense or not
    • Simon: agglutinative language has other problem, as could have millions of headwords; we are talking about move from hierarchical book model – whatever one considers as headword, or as something that should be explained with some kind of lexicographic identity, it can be a headword; otherwise it is used as part of the sense
    • David: we need a more comprehensive proposal, include examples and describe mechanics
    • Michal confirms accepting to write wider proposal

3. Closing Admin AOB

  • Gantt chart – we were on track with administrative things, launched the TC by end of 2019
    • Had pre-assumption that working draft of deliverable starts right away, but we needed design discussions to precede
    • We are 8 months late with regard to the Gantt chart
    • David: Will need a year for drafting the standard
    • Simon suggests deadline to start public reviews before summer 2021
    • Miloš agrees with Ilan that the discussion of the underlying principals was substantial and needed fairly long time but now we can speed up the process
  • Heads up for spec formatting decision next time
    • David brings from backburner having to determine the formatting question – Oasis style or ISO style
      • David send the two variants to the mailing list
      • David will present option to discuss next time, summarize and put on agenda next time
      • Political thing – fasttrack in Oasis or longterming with ISO
      • Simon and David are editors, everyone can contribute

Adjourned 1500 WEST

Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum yes
Individual Attendance Contributing Members: 8 of 14 (57%)
Voting Members: 8 of 9 (88%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Contributing Companies: 5 of 9 (55%)
Voting Companies: 5 of 5 (100%)