Description: Tuesdays 04:00PM London/Dublin / 08:00 AM PST
International Dial-In: +44 118 376 9023
Meeting ID: 30543
Agenda: Agenda:
1/Roll Call...
2/Review and accept previous meeting minutes as formal record, amending if necessary (
3/Peer review - Yves, David, John.
-Comments and feedback to date in Yve's report (distributed before meeting).
-Review and resolve open items: (a)Item 3. Value Type For The id Attribute, and (b)item 4.Determining What Elements Refer To
-Result of Post Peer Review ballot: 12(of possible 17) voted to submit to standards process immediately, 0 voted to work on profiles first (
-Next steps in the standards review process
4/Face to Face (F2F) - Friday 12 Dec - agreement on date / time / venue.
5/Any other business
6/Next meeting proposed for Tuesday 14 Oct 2003 at 4pm GMT
Minutes: Agenda:
1/Roll Call
There were 10 members present as recorded in Kavi
Apologies: Milan, Enda, Dave, Mat,Yves.
2=/Peer review
Tony outlined the feedback which we received from the review. This concerned two issues, Adding a new annotates attribute to the note element and changing the id attribute from type NMTOKEN to string.
There was discussion on both these issues and it was decided to have ballots on these issues.
It was proposed to have a ballot with the question "Add new annotates attribute to note element?" by John and seconded by Peter. The choices were Yes, No or Abstain.
It was proposed to have a ballot with the question "Change the id attribute from type NMTOKEN to string?" by Tony and seconded by Doug. The choices were "Change attribute id to type string" or "Leave attribute id as type NMTOKEN".
The ballots will close next Tuesday.
3/Face to Face (F2F) - Friday 12 Dec was confirmed
4/Any other business - none
5/Next meeting proposed for Tuesday 14 Oct 2003 at 4pm GMT
Achieved quorum: false
Counts toward voter eligibility: true
Individual Attendance- Members: 10 of 41 (24%)
- Voting Members: 7 of 17 (41%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance- Companies: 8 of 19 (42%)
- Voting Companies: 5 of 10 (50%)
Quorum rule: 51% of voting members