When:  Jun 18, 2013 from 11:00 to 12:00 (ET)

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I Administration (0:00 - 0:10)
  A. Roll call
  B. Approve previous meeting minutes, 10 June 2013 https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201306/msg00009.html
  C. XLIFF 2.0 update Okapi library (Yves) https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201306/msg00006.html

II XLIFF 2.0 (0:10 - 0:30)
  A. Actions required from F2F concensus
     1. We agreed to an online ballot about removing glossary from file, but I did not find it proposed and seconded in the notes. Propose it now?
     2. We agreed to wait and get clarification on the 4 options for ballot regarding Re-segmentation:
         - Option 1: don’t allow if module or extension (make core depend on non-core)
         - Option 2: throw away (if you don’t understand, throwaway –disrupts modules)
         - Option 3: set flag, (if it is a yes, it is undefined behavior)
         - Option 4: Move meta to unit (lots of changes to spec; can still have flag (or different use)
           Note: Ryan's modification (as discussed on Yves' thread): https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201306/msg00005.html
     3. Ballot on PR for XML PI proposed by DavidF https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ballot.php?id=2432
        (as of the time this meeting agenda is being created, only 3 have voted)

  B. Public review completed (0:30 - 0:40)
     1. Comments are tracked on the wiki: review assignments and status

  C. TC list email relevant to XLIFF 2.0, but not to the Public Review
     1. Formalizing the role of extensibility as launch pad for future XLIFF Core or Module features (Bryan)

III XLIFF 2.X? 3.0? (0:40 - 0:50)
    1. Freeze on Feature Tracking wiki? Or queue proposed post 2.0 features there?
    2. Do we have an official path for promoting custom namespace to supported core/module post XLIFF 2.0?

IV Charter (Bryan to update site)

V Sub Committee Report (0:50 - )

IV Current Business

V New Business



Bryan, Asanka, Fredrik, Joachim,  Jungwoo, Kevin ODonnell, Lucia, Shirley, Tom, Uwe. Helena Shih




Victor, David, Yves


Bryan: Quorum achieved. Approval to the previous meeting minutes: 2013 https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201306/msg00009.html.


Fredrik:  I Second.


B: Minutes approved.


B: We have finished the review meeting. The timeline under best circumstances will finish the 6th December.

The most urgent topic is to agree on the 4 options regarding Resegmentation.

B: We agreed to an online ballot about removing glossary from file, but I did not find it proposed and seconded in the notes. Propose it now?

Joachim: I think we did not decide on this one. The rational to take it away was that it would be not possible to have more sophisticated glossary systems to have them implemented in the current element.

B: we also talked of adding ID.

Fredrik: it would be not possible to have an extension like tbx inside, that would mean replacing some core functions with extensions.

B: should we proceed?

Joachim: the current glossary element is too simple to replace a full glossary implementation (e.g. TBX). The idea is to use it on a second level.

J: we had two more attributes that we wanted to added, the Id and the other one, I can’t remember it.

B: the mechanism that was discussed was to add an id to the glossary entry and then a marker to the gloss entry on the text to link to the glossary entry. Do you think that we are ready to propose a ballot?

Shirley: I prefer to see an electronic ballot.

Asanka: me too.

F: I propose to have an electronic ballot.

J: I second it.



B: Resegmentation topic.


Fredrik: There was a problem with the segmentation of units as it is defined in the current schema. We need to decide which processing requirements are we implementing to clarify the resegmentation. The four possible solutions:

        - Option 1: don’t allow if module or extension (make core depend on non-core)
         - Option 2: throw away (if you don’t understand, throwaway –(the offending module or extern) disrupts modules)
         - Option 3: set flag, (if it is a yes, it is undefined behaviour) [unit-level attribute].
         - Option 4: Move meta to unit (lots of changes to spec; can still have flag (or different use).

Joachim: I just thinking about the implications that were talked through the email discussion. The email sent by Fredrik.

My approach was looking at different modules, if and how in real life this would work. In the matches module there would be not collision.

F: for matches there is not a problem.

J: For validation I don’t see a problem either. For the MD do we care?

F: it is hard to say, because it can contain all sorts of data. So if the MD has data relevant to the match, then it would be a problem.

J: For changes tracking we can have a rule. But for validation I don’t see a solution.

B: We agree that the most difficult part about this solution is the validation module.

F: the last option is to say that the all change tracking should be at the unit level, instead of having rules at the segment level. There is not necessity to have that information at the segment level.

J: so when we recreate the segments, what happens with change tracking.

S: can you elaborate on the change tracking module at the segment level? A real scenario?

F: I think we should have Ryan to discuss on that. I don’t really think it is necessary to have the change tracking at the segment level, at the unit level would be necessary.

J: It does not matter where you put the track changing in my opinion.

F: There is a good case to have track changing in the standard.

Shirley: I just wondering I cant see the necessity of having track changes at the segment level, I see the case of having it at the unit level.

Kevin: I don’t have anything to add to this, we should wait for Ryan to comment on why it should be at the segment level.

Helena: Good point about sync with review module and my comments apply there as well.

B: Are there any other questions/comments to enrich this discussion before having the electronic ballot.

B: About the timeline. If everything goes well, we can have it by the first week of December. Milestones:

  • Goal for reconciling each comment: [02 July]
  • Statements of Use [identify by 16 July]
    • Must have a statement of use for each major feature?
    • Test Suite (1 application vs. ecosystem of tools)
    • Reference Implementation [identify by 16 July; roll out by 06 Aug?]
    • One implementation that touches each feature
    • Candidates?
  • Re-approve Committee Draft (that reflects resolved comments, https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/tc-process#committeeDraft ) [06 Aug]
  • Second Public Review, 15-day [12 Aug ‚ 30 Aug]
  • Approve Committee Specification (https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/tc-process#committeeSpec ) [17 Sep]
  • Approve OASIS Standard  (https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/tc-process#OASISstandard ) [17 Sep ‚ 09 Dec]
    • Submit Candidate Specification [17 Sep]
    • Public Review of Candidate Specification (60 days) [24 Sep ‚22 Nov]
    • Ballot for OASIS Specification approval [25 Nov ‚09 Dec]

The challenge would be to have enough votes, same problem encountered when approving the previous version.

B: [Talking about the comments and how to address them.] David has committed to have his items done by the second Tuesday on July. I would ask each of the owners of the tasks of the comments to have in consideration the milestones dates, to conclude your tasks. Are there any questions about the timeline or about the comments?

Uwe: We have a good momentum, so it would be great if we can stick to that timeline.

B: Meeting adjourned.

Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum yes
Individual Attendance Contributing Members: 11 of 29 (37%)
Voting Members: 10 of 17 (58%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Contributing Companies: 8 of 14 (57%)
Voting Companies: 7 of 10 (70%)