1. Please join my meeting, "every 1st Tuesday in month, starting from September 6 at 17:00 GMT". 2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone. Germany: +49 (0) 898 7806 6464 Ireland: +353 (0) 14 845 983 United States: +1 (909) 259-0010 Access Code: 421-352-758 Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting Meeting Password: 54321 Meeting ID: 421-352-758 GoToMeeting® Online Meetings Made Easy™ [time chosen based on kick off discussion]
Attendees: David Filip, Peter Reynolds, Joachim Schurig, Bryan Schnabel, Yves Savourel, Asanka Wasala
David: no formal agenda
Peter: what does FEISGILTT mean?
David: Federated Event dedicated to Interoperability Standardization in Globalization, Internationalization, Localization, and Translation Technologies. We needed a new name to get ITS2.0 and XLIFF2.0 under the same umbrella – we could not just call it 3rd XLIFF symposium. We should use this in continuation for federated events.
David: please confirm attendance in LinkedIn
(Brian: will drive to Colorado and pick up Yves to bring him to Seattle)
About ISO TC37 meeting in Madrid:
Joachim: ETSI LIS ISG - ISO TC37 SC3/4 liaisons being discussed in Madrid.
Peter: Final plenum was disagreeing on including all of the former LISA standards into the liaison. A new proposal without xml:tm and GMX-v will be setup.
Peter: Attendance doubled this year. SC3 is where TBX is. SC4 is about computational issues with terminology and language -> SRX would connect here. New SC5 is about translation and interpreting. Proposing to liaise XLIFF here. We have to make the proposal to SC5, and they have to vote on it. Jamie Clark is also to be considered for the liaison.
David: At what stage in the OASIS process would the SC5 people be involved into the review?
Bryan: during the 60 days public review, or after the TC approval of a committee draft and the subsequent 15 days approval.
David: Peter, which period would you propose for
Peter: the longer one. We could also start the process earlier than the opening public review.
David: do you need some special support from the TC?
Peter: OASIS board needs to approve a request from the TC. Once the SC5 approves, I can contact Jamie Clark from OASIS
Bryan: (informally) seconds the proposal for the liaison
David: is SC5 the right place for the fast-track publishing of XLIFF?
Peter: This might be the right place.
David: has the SC the authority to publish it?
Peter: yes, they do on behalf of ISO. Will be published in English and French.
David: who is responsible for the French version?
Peter: will be up to the SC / ISO
David: we have a Spanish version. Would it help to submit a French version as well?
Peter: do not really know. It will probably be helpful.
Joachim: TC37 meets once a year. Which is the process of decision taking under the year?
Peter: there can be a draft produced by the equivalent to an OASIS TC. It will be published then and sent to the national members and be commented upon, finally the rest of ISO and peer groups. Working groups meet per teleconferences and report about progress.
Joachim: So, is there a process to approve liaisons outside of the annual meetings?
Peter: yes.
Joachim: had there been a decision in the TC or this SC about which SC of ISO to liaise?
Peter: yes. We decided last year to connect to the to be created SC5
Peter: can we discuss about Christian’s request to create a timely report on the XLIFF symposiums?
David: we missed the manpower to generate one.
Peter: I will try to allocate time for a motivational paper on the symposium, based on the proceeding of the last one
Bryan: Please register at for the XLIFF TC face to face in Seattle
David: want to propose to the TC to extend the mandate of this SC until the end of 2013. One single year extension would expire in the middle of the summer again, we should better synchronize to calendar years, covering the meeting seasons.
Meeting adjourned
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
0% of voting members
Achieved quorum |
yes |
Individual Attendance |
Contributing Members: 6 of 8 (75%) Voting Members: 5 of 6 (83%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance |
Contributing Companies: 5 of 6 (83%) Voting Companies: 4 of 4 (100%)