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8:00-8:05 Roll call
Approve minutes from previous business meetings:
* (22 September 2009, Park)
Subcommittee/liaison reports (as needed)
* OASIS DITA Adoption TC
* OASIS DITA Translation Subcommittee
* OASIS DITA Learning Content Subcommittee
* OASIS DITA Machine Industry Subcommittee
* OASIS DITA Semiconductor Information Design Subcommittee
* OASIS DITA for Enterprise Business Documents Subcommittee
* OASIS DITA Help Subcommittee
* OASIS DITA Pharmaceutical Content Subcommittee
* OASIS DITA Technical Communication SC
* OASIS DITA in Composite Environments SC
* DITA for the Web 2.0 SC (pending)
* OASIS DITA for Technical Standards Subcommittee (inactive)
Business: Continue first focus on architectural specification
1. ITEM: DITA 1.2 specification (Revised for the September 22 TC meeting, Joseph)
* Spreadsheet and DITA topics located in the Subversion repository
* Information about contributors, deadlines, editorial guidelines, Subversion clients, and more
* Business:
1. Progress report on spec authoring
2. Spec Review Round 2
o Call for reviewers
* Follow up:
o Order for lang ref files
+ (Kristen reply)
2. ITEM: Conref constraints--do we have a problem? (was "Problems with the task model")
* (JoAnn, start of the thread)
* This discussion has evolved to a proposal for a weak constraint flag for testing conrefs. Our discussion today will start with an assessment of whether any exposures warrant any delay in producing the 1.2 spec. Can the issue wait for 1.3?
* (Priestley's proposal)
3. New ITEM: 1.2 Issue: Glossary Group Topic Type Not Included in ditabase
* (Kimber)
* possible cleanup action from last week's glossary agreements
4. New ITEM: Clarification Needed: Keyref on
* related to thread: [dita] 1.2 Issue: Should href be required on ?
* (Kimber)
* consensus seems to be to make image/@href optional. Any others?
5. New ITEM: User Feedback - make safecond unbound
* Defer to 1.3?
6. New ITEM: Arch spec topic: keyref
* (Park)
7. New ITEM: Proposal: DITA decoration catalog
* (Park)
Ongoing checks:
1. ITEM: Domain integrator
* DITA DTD Generator
* (Robert's message with more info)
2. ITEM: OASIS hosting of a Web GUI
* Review progress
3. ITEM: Request for input on DITA 1.2 use:
* Status of DITA OT 1.5 reference implementation of 1.2 features:
o Note new list below for collecting affirmations of use.
4. ITEM: Review 1.2 list for items that should be considered for 1.3
* Update the DITA 1.3 list on the Wiki (Gershon)
* Action check: Gershon to add his research into the DITA 1.3 Proposals table.
8:50-8:55 Announcements/Opens
8:55 Adjourn
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
51% of voting members |
Achieved quorum |
true |
Counts toward voter eligibility |
true |
Individual Attendance |
Members: 17 of 183 (9%) Voting Members: 15 of 18 (83%) (used for quorum calculation) |
Company Attendance |
Companies: 9 of 62 (14%) Voting Companies: 9 of 11 (81%) |