LegalDocML - TC meeting August 23

When:  Aug 23, 2012 from 12:00 to 13:00 (ET)

9:00am (U.S. PDT)
12:00pm (noon) (U.S. EDT)
13:00pm (UYT, CLST)
5:00pm (BST)
6:00pm (CEST)

The telecon will be hold using Adobe Connect.

University of Bologna hosts the platform Adobe Connect.
We have virtual room where you can enter as "guest" (click on the guest button and enter your last name).

Please try this new tool and in case of some problem contact me by email.
You need probably to install an Adobe plug-in according with your operation system and browser.
In meantime we are maintaining active also the LegalDocML group in Skype, so for whose people (expecially for the NEW ENTRY) that have not yet provide me the Skype ID, please send it to me by email.


Attached document:

* minutes of the previous TC meeting, July 26th
* presentations on amendments and examples.
* draft structure for the SV

  • trunk: the directory where is archived the working project version
  • tags: frozen versions of the working project in a due time (e.g. 1.0, etc.)
  • branches: forking versions related to the main working project due to particular customizations

Each of them has to be identical. The sub-folders could be organized following this tree:

  • examples
    • draft
    • approved
    • originalDocs
  • schemas
    • xsd
    • others....
  • xslt
    • presentation
    • transformation
    • check
  • specs
    • draft
    • approved
  • pilot cases"


1. Approval of the minutes of the previous TC meeting July 26th

2. Presentation of an Akoma Ntoso XML-schema for Amendments: EU Parliament and other examples

3. Voting of the main structure of the SVN

4. Face2Face meeting in Ravenna, tentative date 17th Sept. Definition of the agenda.

5. Other business

6. Adjournment


Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum no
Individual Attendance Contributing Members: 2 of 30 (6%)
Voting Members: 2 of 17 (11%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Contributing Companies: 2 of 25 (8%)
Voting Companies: 2 of 13 (15%)