XLIFF TC Meeting

When:  Jan 5, 2016 from 11:00 to 12:00 (ET)

Please get the dial in information from our private Action Item here:


I Administration (0:00 - 0:10)
  A. Roll call

  B. Approve meeting minutes, 15 December 2015
  C. Revise scheduled for XLIFF 2.1    

  D. Requesting progress of ISO submision of XLIFF 2.0

  F. Okapi XLIFF Toolkit 1.1 Available (Yves)

  G. XLIFF Support - Survey (Lucía)

II XLIFF 2.1 (0:10 - 0:45)

* indicates new topic, not yet discussed

  A. Discuss whether can be allowed at all extension points (Ryan)
  B. Inline attributes and canCopy (Ryan)
  C. Typo in example ( dataRefEnd) (Yves)
[pending AI, DF to fix]

  D. Add N Constraint to the core order attribute
[pending AI for dF. DF will make a CFD for this on mailing list. This has been now sufficiently discussed.]

  E. Template/Model for TBX Mapping with XLIFF v2.0 and Higher Version 1.0 (DavidF)
[pending AI for Fredrik]

  F. ITS storage size restriction
[pending AI for dF and Fredrik - Fredrik to propose slr profile for ITS storage size data category]

  G. Mistakes in the spec (Soroush)
  H. NVDL for the core is updated (Soroush)
  I. NVDL validation for XLIFF 2.0 (Soroush)
  J. * Comment on 2.1 draft (Yves)
  K. * CanReorder Validation error (Ryan)
  L. * ITS text analytics (David)
  M. Internationalization and beyond related metadata for JSON - XLIFF perspective? (Felix)
  N. * Question on namespace re-writing and ITS text analysis (Felix)
  O. * Proposal For Change Tracking in XLIFF 2.1 (Phil)
  P. Errors in test suite for Change Tracking module (Yves)
[pending AI - Bryan to fix]

  Q. CTR test suite files
[pending AI -  Bryan to fix]

  R. Preserving spaces inline (Yves)
[pending AI for Yves: Need to describe the best practice in the spec. It needs some normative language to obtain predictable results. Probably the best to address would be a note or a warning in core and just quote it in the ITS description, because the issue is not ITS specific, ITS just used xml:space. We need to have somebody to write the text that is spec ready.]

  S. * Inline codes in Change Tracking (Yves)
  T. Implementing XLFF 2.0 test suite files (Ryan)
[pending AI - Bryan fix module errors in test suite; Yves fix core - rule, only one error per file]

  U. * XLIFF and ITS mapping- Elements within text (Soroush)
  V. * XLIFF and ITS mapping-ID value (Soroush)
  W. * Inline IDs in

/ in mtc and ctr modules (Yves)
  X. * Wrong title example in section (Yves)


III Sub Committee Report (0:45 - 0:55)


IV  Current and New Business (0:55 -


I Administration (0:00 - 0:10)

A. Roll call

David F, Bryan, Felix S, Phil, Fredrik E, Lucia, Tom

DF: Quorum achieved

B. Approve meeting minutes, 15 December 2015


B: Moves to approve minutes from last meeting

DF: Seconded

No objections, motion carries.

C. Revise scheduled for XLIFF 2.1



D. Requesting progress of ISO submision of XLIFF 2.0



B: Update on progress, next meeting for ISO TC is Copenhagen in June. Need to have XLIFF on the agenda. This is first opportunity to formalize/approve.

F. Okapi XLIFF Toolkit 1.1 Available (Yves)


G. XLIFF Support - Survey (Lucía)


L: Only one response from TC members, no issues with questions. Some questions only applicable to applications and not to libraries. Survey will be opened for the public. Probably at the end of this week or early next.

B: Urges TC to fill it out.

FE: Propose add question on tool type: Application or Library

DF: Agree

Lucia: Need as much feedback on questions as possible before making it public.

II XLIFF 2.1 (0:10 - 0:45)

B: Should we keep the action items in the agenda or should we move the action items to Kavi for better tracking.

DF: Suggest moving items not needing more discussion to Kavi keep those that need discussion in the agenda.

B: Propose move: C, D, E, F, P, Q, T,

DF: Also X

DF: Put forward motion to vote on E should be moved to the sister committee

B: Confirm proposal to is to move E to sister committee instead of KAvi item

DF: confirm

B: Second ballot to move

DF: yes,

FE: yes

FS: yes

L: yes,

P: yes

B: yes

T: yes

Motion to move item E to sister commitee is approved unanimously.

B: Any other housekeeping needed on AIs

* indicates new topic, not yet discussed

A. Discuss whether can be allowed at all extension points (Ryan)


B. Inline attributes and canCopy (Ryan)


C. Typo in example ( dataRefEnd) (Yves)


[pending AI, DF to fix]

D. Add N Constraint to the core order attribute

[pending AI for dF. DF will make a CFD for this on mailing list. This has been now sufficiently discussed.]

E. Template/Model for TBX Mapping with XLIFF v2.0 and Higher Version 1.0 (DavidF)


[pending AI for Fredrik]

F. ITS storage size restriction

[pending AI for dF and Fredrik - Fredrik to propose slr profile for ITS storage size data category]

G. Mistakes in the spec (Soroush)


B: Propose to move to Kavi AI

DF: Agree

H. NVDL for the core is updated (Soroush)


I. NVDL validation for XLIFF 2.0 (Soroush)


J. * Comment on 2.1 draft (Yves)


K. * CanReorder Validation error (Ryan)


L. * ITS text analytics (David)

M. Internationalization and beyond related metadata for JSON - XLIFF perspective? (Felix)


P: Status of Text analytics.

DF: Should be mostly ready in working draft. Would be good to test implementability.

N. * Question on namespace re-writing and ITS text analysis (Felix)


O. * Proposal For Change Tracking in XLIFF 2.1 (Phil)


P. Errors in test suite for Change Tracking module (Yves)


[pending AI - Bryan to fix]

Q. CTR test suite files


[pending AI - Bryan to fix]

R. Preserving spaces inline (Yves)


[pending AI for Yves: Need to describe the best practice in the spec. It needs some normative language to obtain predictable results. Probably the best to address would be a note or a warning in core and just quote it in the ITS description, because the issue is not ITS specific, ITS just used xml:space. We need to have somebody to write the text that is spec ready.]

S. * Inline codes in Change Tracking (Yves)


T. Implementing XLFF 2.0 test suite files (Ryan)


[pending AI - Bryan fix module errors in test suite; Yves fix core - rule, only one error per file]

U. * XLIFF and ITS mapping- Elements within text (Soroush)


V. * XLIFF and ITS mapping-ID value (Soroush)


W. * Inline IDs in <source>/<target> in mtc and ctr modules (Yves)


B: Several new items. Severity on issue and urgency to resolve.

DF: Issue is with inline code IDs in different modules. Right now IDs must be unique across modules and core.

FE: How could we enforce uniqueness between core and modules

DF: Agrees that main issue is with core tools that dont support the module

Proposes solution that modules are allowed to have same IDs in modules as in core.

FE: Agree

DF: Soroush will have to look at the implementation in validator.

DF: Need to look into the impact before implemented.

DF: No fragment ID for embedded namespaces. This was know, now how will it impact new situation if we allow duplication.

FE: Main issue for me is that Core only tools must be able to work and not break files.

B: Ambiguous fragment IDs would be a bad thing.

DF: That is not an issue right now as we do not allow fragment IDs pointing from core to modules due to not supporting embedded namespaces. Changing fragment ID system would be a big change.

DF: As P if this will this impact implementation of change track / matches.

P: Does not have enough background to answer now. For CTR it would be much better to not have to change IDs.

FE: Agree

DF: What should we propose?

P: Allowing duplicates in modules seems the best solution.

DF: Need to look at how it will work in validation.

B: Continue discussion on mailing list and input from other stakeholders.

X. * Wrong title example in section (Yves)


III Sub Committee Report (0:45 - 0:55)

B: Asks for report

DF: Most urgent is to get more feedback and TC members to fill out questionnaire. Proposed to wait for next meeting to make the questionnaire public. Also asks for submissions for Feisgiltt from TC or others. Deadline will be extended. Link: http://locworld.com/feisgiltt2016-cfp/

IV Current and New Business (0:55 -

B: next meeting jan 19th, thank you everyone
