Description: Standing monthly XLIFF TC Teleconference.
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Agenda: 1/roll call:
2/Previous meeting minutes:
Accept or amend.
3/ Work in Progress:
A. Representation Guides:
a. HTML (Bryan)
Revised representation guide, incorporating feedback from W3C i18n WG posted here:
We will discuss and if TC agrees that the profile document is ready as committee specification, we will conduct a ballot at the TC teleconference.
b. NET & Windows Resources (NOTE: Florian will not be able to attend)
Last month Florian sent initial thoughts, and we agreed to set up an SC to do the heavy lifting. Umfortumately, before the SC can be created in the KAVI system, the TC must formally approve by documented resolution:
-the SC name: "XLIFF WinRes Profile"
-the SC Chair: Florian? Anyone else?
-Statement of purpose: "To define the round trip Windows and .Net resources to XLIFF".
-Deliverables: (1) XLIFF 1.1 Representation Guide for Windows 32 resources; (1) XLIFF 1.1 Representation Guide for .NET resources
Florian's notes:
c. Java Resource Bundles
No progress - defer until next meeting.
B. Open issues:
a. Translation of Voice XML Issues
~ Open until resolution of namespace issue from Representation Guides.
- Action Item: Mat will submit a proposal on how to handle Voice XML issues.
Latest Update:
b. Accepting Suggested Translations In XLIFF Mat's updated proposal:
A ballot was submitted to the TC (
The resolution passed with 13 of 16 eligible voting member approving in full, 1 TC member approving of items 1,2,3,4 but not 5 (too vague), and 2 members not casting votes.
This task is now resolved - but must update the XLIFF specification with these recommendations.
4/ Segmentation SC:
Summary of resolutions from meeting 5 April:
-the attribute names will be shortened as follows: "segmentation-source" -> "seg-source", and "equivalent-translation" -> "equiv-trans"
-the manipulation / segementation of elements exists solely in the "translator" domain, not at the extraction filter domain. This means that segmentation will either be performed by the Editor tool or possibly automated segmentation process. It was agreed that this would be documented in the proposal and XLIFF spec.
-move equivalent-translation from trans-unit to target.
A revised proposal will be distributed to the TC before the May TC teleconference, and we will either have an immediate role call vote or arrange for an online ballot.
5/ Reports from liasons involved with other standards groups:
A. W3C i18n
B. Oscar
C. Trans-WS
6/Report from Bryan on OASIS conference
7/ All other business - none
Next meeting: Tuesday, 21 June 2005, 4pm BST/11am EST
Minutes: 1/roll call: There were 9 members present as recorded in Kavi
Apologies: Reinhard, Magnus, Florian.
2/Previous meeting minutes:
Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as a correct recorded. Proposed by Mat and seconded by David.
3/ Work in Progress:
A. Representation Guides:
a. HTML (Bryan)
Revised representation guide, incorporating feedback from W3C i18n WG posted here:
There was some feedback from the Yves Savourel of the W3C Internationalization committee. Doug mentioned that he had sent some minor typos to Bryan. He stressed they were minor corrections.
We agreed to make these corrections and when this is done Tony will set up a ballot. The meeting congratulated Bryan and Yves on their work.
b. NET & Windows Resources (NOTE: Florian will not be able to attend)
Last month Florian sent initial thoughts, and we agreed to set up an SC to do the heavy lifting. Unfortunately, before the SC can be created in the KAVI system, the TC must formally approve by documented resolution:
-the SC name: "XLIFF WinRes Profile"
-the SC Chair: Florian? Anyone else?
-Statement of purpose: "To define the round trip Windows and .Net resources to XLIFF".
-Deliverables: (1) XLIFF 1.1 Representation Guide for Windows 32 resources; (1) XLIFF 1.1 Representation Guide for .NET resources
Florian's notes:
It was proposed that we would set up a sub committee called the “XLIFF Profiles” sub committee. Tony and Florian were proposed as co-chairs for this sub committee. It was proposed that the statement of purpose should be: “to define the round trip between various resources and XLIFF and the deliverables will be the ‘XLIFF 1.1 Representation Guide for Windows 32 resources’, ‘XLIFF 1.1 Representation Guide for .NET resources’ and ‘XLIFF 1.1 Representation Guide for Java resources. We will also potentially look at a ‘XLIFF 1.1 Representation Guide for XML based resources for Java’ ”.
We carried out a roll call vote for this. It was unanimously accepted with 10 voting members voting.
The first meeting of the new sub committee will take place next Tuesday.
c. Java Resource Bundles
No progress - defer until next meeting.
Tony will report on this at next Tuesday’s meeting.
B. Open issues:
a. Translation of Voice XML Issues
~ Open until resolution of namespace issue from Representation Guides.
- Action Item: Mat will submit a proposal on how to handle Voice XML issues.
Latest Update:
There was a short debate on issues relating to extending XLIFF with namespaces.
Mat agreed to submit a proposal on XSLT which will be coordinated with Bryan. Tony will create an Open issue on the issue of how to extend XLIFF with separate namespaces.
b. Accepting Suggested Translations In XLIFF Mat's updated proposal:
A ballot was submitted to the TC (
The resolution passed with 13 of 16 eligible voting member approving in full, 1 TC member approving of items 1,2,3,4 but not 5 (too vague), and 2 members not casting votes.
This task is now resolved - but must update the XLIFF specification with these recommendations.
4/ Segmentation SC:
Summary of resolutions from meeting 5 April:
-the attribute names will be shortened as follows: "segmentation-source" -> "seg-source", and "equivalent-translation" -> "equiv-trans"
-the manipulation / segmentation of elements exists solely in the "translator" domain, not at the extraction filter domain. This means that segmentation will either be performed by the Editor tool or possibly automated segmentation process. It was agreed that this would be documented in the proposal and XLIFF spec.
-move equivalent-translation from trans-unit to target.
A revised proposal will be distributed to the TC before the May TC teleconference.
Tony will be making a small change to fix a typo with these proposals. He will then arrange the ballot for this.
5/ Reports from liaisons involved with other standards groups:
A. W3C i18n – Andrzej reported that this group expected to have proposal on localisation directives.
B. Oscar – Andrzej reported that this committee has a number of specifications in the pipeline.
C. Trans-WS – Peter said that this group was near ready completion and would be very receptive of someone from the TC looking at the specification.
6/Report from Bryan on OASIS conference
Bryan had a very good conference and made a well received presentation on the work of the TC. He also made some useful contacts with people from other TCs. About 150 people attended Bryan’s presentation.
7/ All other business - none
Next meeting: Tuesday, 21 June 2005, 4pm BST/11am EST
Achieved quorum: true
Counts toward voter eligibility: true
Individual Attendance- Members: 10 of 39 (25%)
- Voting Members: 10 of 16 (62%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance- Companies: 7 of 18 (38%)
- Voting Companies: 7 of 9 (77%)
Quorum rule: 51% of voting members