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I Administration (0:00 - 0:10) A. Roll call B. Approve previous meeting minutes, 05 March 2013 C. Charter clarification passed. Action Item: Bryan to update TC page with approved clarification D. Electronic Ballot, “Should <mrk> be extensible?” – passed
II XLIFF 2.0 (0:10 - 0:45) A. Review Approved Features in WIKI ( ) (0:10 - 0:20) 1. Take a quick look at statuses 2. See if any features need “live” input from TC B. Feature Spotlight 1. How we view XLIFF 2.0 as entirely as an exchange format (Fredrik)
a. If we expect XLIFF 2.0 to be a pure exchange format or if we also expect it to be usable for direct native processing? Many features will be incompatible, for example segmentation changes. ..that would not be an issue if we expect tools to convert into own format and export result of processing back to XLIFF. But could be an issue if processing is done directly on XLIFF
2. Match type and subtype (Yves, Ryan)
C. Mailing List Summary 1. Resource Data Module (Ryan)
a. DavidW comment on Resource Data Module
2. Change Track Module (Ryan)
a. Latest in thread
3. dF sanity check of translation candidates module (DavidF, Yves)
4. Propose we add @name to <group> (Bryan)
D. Conformance criteria
E. Charter (see above ballot)
III Sub Committee Reports (0:45 - 0:55)
IV Current Business (0:55 -->)
V New Business
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