Please get the dial in information from our private Action Item here:
I. Admin
A. Approved (via mailing list) meeting minutes for 15-August, 2017
B. CS Ballot passed
II. As specified earlier, let's focus on the end game plan.
III. SOU request
IV. Sub Committee Report (0:45 - 0:55)
V. Current and New Business (0:55 -
I. Admin
Attendance: David F., Tom, Yves, Bryan, Phil, Lucia.
D: we have quorum.
A. Approved (via mailing list) meeting minutes for 15-August, 2017
B. CS Ballot passed
III. SOU request
L: No answers received so far.
Df: We might get Soroush and Felix to provide theirs.
Y: I have not had the time to do it. But I will do it when I will find the time.
Df: We need to recruit an Oasis organizational member.
B: We can try MSFT.
Df: We have Lionbridge, SDL, IBM, Oracle, MSFT on the TC. I could try to contact SDL. The Council of Europe is also implementing, but they are not an organizational member. We might reach Fredrik.
B: I can see in the DITA TC if there is any crossover there.
B: I will see what I can do for the DITA roundtrip tool.
Df: We need to see if we can get SOU’s of 2.1 features. Have you tried the advanced validation?
B: Yes, that can be the more feasible to implement. I can reach the people from Oxygen.
B: Yves, do you know if there is there a schematron library for java?
Y: I have looked into it, but I have not found anything useful, so that is why I need to go back to XSLT.
Df: Do you know what Oxygen are using?
Y: I do not know, they are probably using XLST 2
Df: If you talk to George, you can ask him about this topic.
Df: Phil, do you have any plans in 2.1 support?
P: not currently.
Df: Yves, are you looking into 2.1 features?
Y: I was looking into advanced validation, but I do not know if I will have the time to do it.
Df: it seems that everybody is very busy right now.
Action items:
David Filip: talk to SDL and Lionbridge.
Bryan: Oxygen and DITA TC.
Souroush, Felix, Yves: complete their SOU when they will have the time to do it.
II. As specified earlier, let's focus on the end game plan.
B: [He shows his screen to show a document containing the following steps needed]
Df: The most important thing to progress now is to get the SOU.
Y: What is the deadline?
Df: there is no deadline. I would say as soon as possible, it would be great to have it in two weeks time. It would be to have gone through all the steps before the symposium (in two months’ time).
Df: Oxygen is not an organizational member.
B: I might look into other organizational members.
IV. Sub Committee Report (0:45 - 0:55)
Df: We can meet after this meeting. We are currently reviewing the papers for the symposium. This looks like a good symposium according to the proposals we have received [David reads and comments some of the already accepted proposals].
Df: About OMOS, we have had problems getting quorum through the summer.
P: We have implemented the current schemas from github, I did not come across any nasty issues of serialization/deserialization. Everything seems to work quite well
V. Current and New Business (0:55 –
B:Meeting adjourned.
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
51% of voting members
Achieved quorum |
yes |
Individual Attendance |
Contributing Members: 6 of 34 (17%) Voting Members: 6 of 7 (85%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance |
Contributing Companies: 5 of 16 (31%) Voting Companies: 5 of 6 (83%)