DSS-X Conference Call #69

When:  Nov 22, 2010 from 18:00 to 19:00 (CET)
Description: Proposed: to organize using skype. Who will initiate the skype call? Please drop a short note to the list. It should be helpful, if everyone is online via skype well before 1800 CET. Backup solution: usual details: ATTENTION Dial-in Number for North America has changed: New one is North-America : (712) 432-0150 Old one was North America : (605) 990-0150 European Dial-in Numbers: Austria: 0820 4000 1556 Belgium: 070 35 9978 France: 0826 100 260 Germany: 01805 00 76 13 Ireland: 0818 270 025 Italy: 848 390 160 Netherlands: 9006 454 545 Spain: 902 886029 b Switzerland: 0848 560 183 UK: 0870 35 204 78 Pass-code (common to all countries): 409488# CHATROOM: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/dss-x/

Agenda: 1. Welcome by chair (Juan Carlos) 2. Minute taker 3. Roll call 4. Approval of the agenda. 5. Approval of minutes. 5.1 Meeting#68 URL=http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/dss-x/download.php/40160/dssx-068-draft-minutes-sdrees-20101108.txt 6. Progress of work 6.1 TC answers to questions by Frank Cornellis 6.2 Interoperability 6.2.1 Conformance checks 6.2.2 Other test cases? 6.3 Progress of specifications 6.3.1 VR-Profile progression to CS01 6.3.2 Signature Policy Profile 6.3.3 Encryption Profile 6.3.4 Next Version of the Core 7. Any other business 8. Next meetings Proposed is for #70 to meet 2010-DEC-06, then to have the winter break and meet again for meeting #71 at 2011-JAN-17.


Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum true
Counts toward voter eligibility true
Individual Attendance Members: 6 of 32 (18%)
Voting Members: 6 of 8 (75%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Companies: 4 of 19 (21%)
Voting Companies: 4 of 6 (66%)