Please look up the action item link to find out the dial in details
1. Call to Order and Welcome
2. Volunteer for Note Taking
[Please not that it is not practical for the Convener to take notes, please be preapred to volunteer for note taking ;-) ]
3. Roll Call. [based on the list of eligible voters, we may have some people who missed the joining deadline for eligitily though, those people will record their firsr attendance towards their voting eligibility]
3.a Brief introductions
4. Nominations for Chair/Co-Chairs.
Any nominations posted to the TC's mailing list are acknowledged, and the floor is opened for additional nominations.
5. Election of Chair or Co-Chairs
Chairs may be elected by unanimous consent or by voice ballot. If the Convener is one of the candidates for Chair, an OASIS Staff member should run the election. Once the TC has a Chair or Co-Chair(s), the Convener steps down and the meeting is handed over to the new Chair(s).
6. Welcome from OASIS Staff
7. Review of the TC Charter
This is for informational purposes only; by joining the TC, the members accept the Charter as proposed and no further ratification is required nor can changes be made. It is sometimes useful, however, to provide an overview of the plans and deliverables.
8. Contributed Work
If you want to get the contributions made in the first meeting, this is here for that. We can also discuss any next steps required to make any contributions or members can commit to making controbutions in the future.
9. Assignment of Other Responsibilities
The TC may choose to elect one or more secretaries, editors, webmasters, or TC liaisons at its first meeting. The role of Secretary is a specific one in the online system and Secretaries can support chairs in roster maintenance, etc.
10. Creation of Subcommittees
If the TC intends to establish Subcommittees from the start, the motions and votes to do so can be made here.
11. Confirmation of Ongoing Meeting Schedule
Along with determining the frequency, date and time of meetings, it is helpful to determine who will be providing call-in numbers and whether any video-conferencing tools will also be used. All Members must be taken into consideration in the selection of mutually-convenient meeting times and tools. Some Technical Committees rotate calling times in an effort to foster global participation and ensure that no one group is more inconvenienced than another.
12. Any other business
13. Adjourn
Meeting starts at 8:02 am Pacific
1. Welcome
2. Volunteer for note taking (Loïc)
3. Roll Call – one new eligible member added to list sent by Chet on Dec 1st
Present: Alan Melby; Chase Tingley; Felix Sasaki; Loïc Dufresne de Virel; Lucian Podereu; Patrick Mazanek; Soorosh Saadatfar; Yves Savourel; David Filip; Bryan Schnabel; Phil Ritchie; Diglio Simoni
12 “voters” confirmed their voting status by attending today.
Excused: Lucia Morado Vasquez (regrets)
Quick round of intros
4. Nomination of Chair or Co-Chairs
· Yves Savourel nominates Felix Sasaki, Bryan Schnabel seconds / Felix Sasaki declines
· Nomination of David Filip as Chair
5. Election of Chair
· No objections
· David Filip elected as chair unanimously
6. Welcome message from Chet Ensign
· XLIFF TC is a model for other TC making real difference in the industry, looking forward to seeing this newly formed TC having as much impact and success
· Chet available to address any question around how things work at OASIS
7. Review of the Charter
David stressed the purpose, scope and IPR modes parts, deliverables can and will be clarified, which is considered non-substantive
8. Contributed work
· Jamie Clark, OASIS Counsel, is currently working out details for receiving the TMX standard and related IP from ETSI
· Potentially, Intel/ADAPT work on XLIFF OM / Data Model in support of Localization BUS
9. Assignment of responsibilities
· Secretaries: Patrick Mazanek & Loïc Dufresne de Virel
Editors to be appointed later on when technical deliverables are clarified and prioritized.
· Liaison with ARIP (Augmented Reality in Information Products) TC: David Filip
· Liaison with XLIFF TC: Yves Savourel
· Liaison with TBX steering committee: Alan Melby (around transition of TBX work from XLIFF TC to XLIFF-OMOS TC) [tentative, to be confirmed at next meeting]
10. Creation of sub-committees
· None at this point
11. On-going meeting schedule
· 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month (alternate with XLIFF TC meetings)
· Currently 4:00 pm GMT / 8:00 am Pacific
· Chase & Yves would prefer an hour later
· David to organize doodle poll while scheduling meetings starting at 5:00 pm GMT
12. Other business
· None as of today
13. Meeting adjourned at 9:01 am
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
51% of voting members
Achieved quorum |
yes |
Individual Attendance |
Contributing Members: 13 of 18 (72%) Voting Members: 12 of 12 (100%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance |
Contributing Companies: 11 of 14 (78%) Voting Companies: 10 of 10 (100%)