When:  Jul 21, 2020 from 11:00 to 12:00 (ET)

New dial-in link at this action item.




I. Administration

 A. Approve 23-June meeting minutes


 B. Meeting availability for summer (winter in South America) - Doodle poll?

 C. Switch meeting to MS Teams?

II. Where do we go next?
 A. XLIFF 2.X wiki space for new features

 B. example needs fixing - Rodolfo

 C. GALA TAPICC XLIFF Extraction and Merging Best Practice v1.0 Allison

 D. New comment from Yves
 Issue #34: Lynx - XLIFF files created with missing subFlowsEnd attribute and found Valid (okapiframework/xliff-toolkit)

 E. Invalid sample files identified by Rodolfo Raya

 F. XLIFF calls, Steven Loomis

 G. Features, Steven Loomis

 H. FragID prefix registration, Rodolfo

III. Subcommittee and sister TC reports
 A. Promotion and Liaison SC
 B. XOMOS - Sister TC

IV. New business



I. Administration

Attendance: Rodolfo, Yoshito, Byran, Lucía, David F..

It is my pleasure to welcome to the XLIFF TC Yoshito from IBM.

Y: I will be taking the place of Steven Loomis who is no longer working at IBM. In the registration page, I can see names of people of Steven and Helena who are no longer at IBM.

B: It is great to have you on board. Could you tell us yours goals, or your company’s goal for the XLIFF TC?

Y: Myself, I have been working in internationalisation and globalisation for some time. I am in other related committees. I have been involved in IBM translation. I am interested in the technical part of XLIFF. And the development of XLIFF centric tools in our company.


B: That is great, thank you for joining the TC. We are working on the next version of XLIFF. We traditionally have had a strong representation from strong companies, software developers, and academic representatives. Today on the call, we have four long-time active members, myself, Rodolfo, David and Lucía.

Y: thank you for the introduction.


A. Approve 23-June meeting minutes


B: I move to approve the meeting minutes.

R: I second.

B: Any objections? Meeting minutes approved.


B. Meeting availability for summer (winter in South America) - Doodle poll?

B: Lucía, you said that you were going to send a doodle poll. But I did not receive it.

L: I did, I sent a doodle poll last month after the meeting.

Df: There were some issues with the OASIS mail. The system unsubscribed me from some mailing lists.

R: I can only access by getting on the interface.

B: I have had the same issues.

Df: I can paste the link from the doodle Lucia created. (David shares the url and all the remaining members complete the survey).

B: It looks good for the 18 of August and September.


C. Switch meeting to MS Teams?

B: About the change of conferencing system.

R: Teams is free now, anyone can install it.

Df: I suggest that I can set up and we can test it before the next meeting.

R: Ok, perfect.

Df: Good, I will do that today.


B: I have one last administrative item. David while you were not there, we had a nice conversation on the method that we carry our work on the wiki. Rodolfo proposed that we just create a skeleton draft standard where we can add working proposal. We also talk about being more active.

Df: That is a good idea. We have the github setup ready for XLIFF 2.2. This can be used for the new version initiation. https://github.com/oasis-tcs/xliff-xliff-22

R: I did not know if we were going to use github or the old svn.

Df: We prepared this for 2.2 work.

R: Ok.

Df: There is one thing worth considering, we wanted to publish 2.2 as an ISO standard. We have a branch created on SVN for that, Tom worked a lot of to have the ISO format. I want to show you the branch created for that (XLIFF for ISO submission, this should be formatted for that), he used tools to convert from docbook to the ISO format. In the first submission, ISO accepts the original format, but for subsequent versions, they require to use the ISO format.

R: Maybe we can work on 2.2 and skip submitting 2.1.

Df: When we will finish 2.2 we will have the same issue, we still need to migrate the format. It is admissible to publish on OASIS following the ISO format, but not the other way around. Are you able to have the ISO in DITA.

R: I have the OASIS DITA, but I am not sure if the ISO DITA exists. Will you be more confortable with docbook or DITA?

Df: If the DITA committee has a ISO template ready. But if the DITA has only the OASIS version. If you do it as a pull request. I can review it and push it.

R: Yes, it has to be done as secretary or chair.

Df: You can fork it, and I can merge it.

B:  On an administrative perspective, Rodolfo if you are comfortable, it would be useful to name you as XLIFF secretary.

R: If that can help, I do not mind.

B: I propose that Rodolfo becomes XLIFF TC secretary.

Df: I second.

B: Any objections?

B: Motion carries. Rodolfo will be XLIFF TC secretary.

Df: I can change Rodolfo’s status on the roster.


II. Where do we go next?
A. XLIFF 2.X wiki space for new features


B. example needs fixing - Rodolfo

R: We need to change the example in the spec, it is a simple mistake.

Df: It seems as the example was not edited.

R: source and target appear before originalData. My concern is the order.

Df: [shows the schema], you are right on the order. Sure.

Df: we can record this issue as an Action Item for you. And adding the missing information in the example. This examples sections were autogenerated by Tom.

R: I will fix it when I will create the new version in Github.


E. Invalid sample files identified by Rodolfo Raya

B: Rodolfo identified some issues with the schematron. And we said that we would wait for David to be on the call to have the discussion again.

R: We have to either fix it or drop it. David wants to fix it, but if nobody does it, we should drop it.

D: I think the usefulness of the schematron is more important than the confusion created by the bugs. I will try to either get somebody to fix it or do it myself.

R: That is fine, when we will have the spec ready, we can re discuss this.

D: As I am working in different committees, it might make sense to start migrating items to github.

R: Ok.

Df: [shows the github page of XLIFF.2.2 page on github]. For example, in the issues I can just add the example that Rodolfo mentioned earlier.

B: I agree. For 2.2 we can migrate all the action items and feature request.

Df: If you can volunteer to do it.

B: I am not sure if I will have the time.

Df: We can stick to the Kavi list until we find the manpower to migrate it.


F. XLIFF calls, Steven Loomis

G. Features, Steven Loomis

B: The next two items are from Steven Loomis. Yoshito I let you observe them. Rodolfo, I think you tried to reach him.

R: I did not hear from him since last time.

Df: The segmentation module should do both. Adding the scheleton or reference to it. We should have the capability of including both.

R: Ok. I do not see this as a priority, but nice to have it.

Df: We would have to look at the kavi, the feature request lists are in the kavi wiki.

R: I’ve got an email from github, and I subscribed to that issue.

B: We are running out of time.




H. FragID prefix registration, Rodolfo

III. Subcommittee and sister TC reports
A. Promotion and Liaison SC
B. XOMOS - Sister TC

Df: There is no recent progress on the promotion and Liasion. I do not know if Lucia plans to carry out the survey.

L: I have the questionnaire done, we can discuss it on another meeting.

Df: It would be better to wait for the vacation time to be over before launching it.

Df: On the OMOS, there is good progress taking place on the JLIFF prose. On the github page, you can follow the discussion and the progress: https://github.com/oasis-tcs/xliff-omos-jliff


It is also interesting to follow the work from: https://github.com/unicode-org/message-format-wg that will also produce an XLIFF mapping.



Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum yes
Individual Attendance Contributing Members: 5 of 23 (21%)
Voting Members: 4 of 5 (80%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Contributing Companies: 4 of 12 (33%)
Voting Companies: 3 of 4 (75%)