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Agenda: 1/ roll call
2/ Approve previous meeting minutes:
Accept, reject, or amend. (
3/ Announcements
A. Acknowledge Rodolfo for excellent updates to homepage and wiki
B. White Paper updated
C. Localization World 2007 Seattle
D. Introduce guest attendees, Eric, Kara, Arle
4/ XLIFF 2.0 Goals (
A. Continue to classify remaining Potential Goals (Must Have, Should Have, Nice to Have)
B. Reports from Requirements owners on status of requirement
C. XLIFF 2.0 Requirements Document draft
5/ Approval of XLIFF 1.2 as an OASIS Specification: Remaining Steps (
6/ Christian raised three good issues
A. Issue with (
B. Official XLIFF guide for subsetting the XLIFF XSD (
C. Named Types for XLIFF XSD (
7/ Representation guides
A. ICU Resource Bundle Profile, proposed by Eric Mader (Eric to give a brief overview, TC could then decide if we want to schedule separate side-meeting for Eric to present the guide in detail)
B. Other potential representation guides
8/ XLIFF Webinar? (
9/ Rodolfo suggests the TC charter may need a review and update
10/ Reports from liaisons involved with other standards groups:
A. W3C i18n
B. Oscar
C. Trans-WS
E: OASIS DITA Translation Subcommittee
11/ Any Other Business
Minutes: 1/ roll call 7 of 11 voting members (recorded in KAVI)
2/ Approve previous meeting minutes
Tony moves to approve previous minutes, Bryan seconds
TC votes that minutes are approved as the record of the September 2007 XLIFF meeting
3/ Announcements
The 4 items noted in the agenda were announced. Bryan introduced Eric Mader, one of the authors of ICU Resource Bundle representation guide. Discussion of the list of tools for the whitepaper postponed.
4/ XLIFF 2.0 Goals
Discussion on XLIFF 2.0 goals: there is a list in the wiki classifying goals as MUST HAVE, SHOULD HAVE and NICE TO HAVE. Christian proposes to set a timeframe for releasing XLIFF 2.0. It was agreed to set 18 months as initial goal for voting the first draft and 12 months to review the goals.
Andrzej mentioned that he is trying to create a new TC called OAXAL for XML standards used in localisation and asked to include it XLIFF goals
5/ Approval of XLIFF 1.2 as an OASIS Specification
Bryan explained where we stand on making XLIFF 1.2 an OASIS standard (awaiting guidance from Mary regarding readiness and the representation guides). Rodolfo comments that the ballot should be completed before the Christmas holiday or defer it to after the holiday season.
6/ Christian raised three good issues
Discussion was postponed in order to preserve time for Eric's item. We recognize that Christian's issues are important and have impact on current XLIFF activities. We will move this to the top of the agenda for a November 6 meeting.
7/ Representation guides
A. ICU Resource Bundle Profile, proposed by Eric Mader
Eric works for IBM and is part of the team that developed ICU (Internationalization Components for Unicode). He explained a representation guide for ICU, Rodolfo suggested that we release this before XLIFF 2.0. Bryan commented that it should go into the current OASIS templates.
11/ Any Other Business
Tony proposes to return to bi-weekly meetings. Bryan will create a ballot to decide.
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
51% of voting members |
Achieved quorum |
true |
Counts toward voter eligibility |
true |
Individual Attendance |
Members: 8 of 36 (22%) Voting Members: 7 of 11 (63%) (used for quorum calculation) |
Company Attendance |
Companies: 8 of 24 (33%) Voting Companies: 7 of 11 (63%) |