Energy Interoperation TC Workshop Meeting

When:  Mar 13, 2013 from 11:00 to 12:15 (ET)
Associated with  OASIS Energy Interoperation TC

WORKSHOP Meeting of the OASIS Energy Interoperation TC

Conference number

  • +1 866 740-1260 (US toll-free number) or
  • +1 303 248-0285 (US and non-US toll number)
  • Access code 4866768.

Text chat during meeting

Notes on this chat: If you have not saved a cookie previously, you will start out as "anonymous." Select Settings at the top, enter your name. I suggest setting timestamps in the display, then save your settings. Clicking on the hand on the lower right "raises your hand" during discussions.


This is a workshop meeting. Attendance will not be taken, and minutes will not be published.

Topics will include

  1. IEC Meeting and relationship
  2. OpenADR Alliance updated specification
  3. OpenADR Alliance relationship
  4. Encodings for Energy Interoperation

