See the private action item for dial in details
A Admin
1. Rollcall
2. Approve meeting minutes from the inaugural meeting
B Material:
1. prioritization of technical deliverables
JSON Serialization, Approach to OM
2. assignment of editor roles based on the prioritization
3. discuss Yves' proposal to contribute the Acorn project on behalf of Okapi
4. update on TMX contribution
5. update on TBX mapping
C Wrap up
1. AOB
2. Summary of AIs assigned
3. Adjourn
Meeting starts at 9:00 am Pacific
1. Roll Call
Present: Alan Melby; Chase Tingley; Felix Sasaki; Loïc Dufresne de Virel; Soorosh Saadatfar; Yves Savourel; David Filip; Phil Ritchie; Lucia Morado Vasquez
2. Approval of the 12/8 meeting minutes
1. Prioritization of technical deliverables
· Microsfot joined the TC, they’ll start attending the meeting in January 2016. They appear eager to prioritize JSON serialization
· Question from Chase regarding the approach, should we go straight to JSON or do we need some foundational work on a more abstract object model first.
· There is no “language” yet to describe an Object Model. Can the work for an abstract object model be done in parallel with the JSON serialization?
· Having a model is a way to verify that a JSON implementation is complete
· Alan: it could be useful to check with CS departments at interested universities what their recommendation would be
i. A.I. #1 – Alan to check with BYU
· Felix: we can look at test suites and convert examples into JSON representation
· In theory, it makes sense to move from an abstract into a specific serialization. David not sure the TC can do both in parallel.
· Yves: we need to separate the content model from the rest. Current spec is very heavy on XML constraints (such as inheritance), something we want to avoid for an Object Model.
· David: are the notions of XLIFF fragment / XLIFF payload useful? What would a categorization look like?
· David: what infrastructure do we need to request from OASIS to support this TC?
i. Repository: GIT or SVN? preference for GIT, A.I. #2 – David to request GIT repo
ii. Wiki for spec writing, A.I. #3 – David to request creation of Wiki
iii. Template, David will ask TC Admin to create
iv. Associated Open Source project, likely on GIT – no decision made yet
2. Assignment of editor roles
· Need at least 2 volunteers, A.I. #4 – All, please consider volunteering for this
i. JSON Serialization
ii. Abstract Object Model (David likely to be the owner of this spec)
3. Contribution from ACORN project on behalf of OKAPI, as well as XLIFF Toolkit, including Object Model implemented in Java
· Need input from OASIS Legal / Admin
· David: those would likely be considered sample / reference implementation
· For contribution of code, TC would likely have to decide how to handle IP related to XLIFF toolkit – waiting for advice from OASIS legal
4. Update on TMX
· Nothing to report
5. Update on TBX Mapping
· Alan is liaison with the TBX steering committee
· Waiting for red/green flag from XLIFF TC, will discuss at next meeting
· No objection on transferring ownership of the TBX mapping to XLIFF-OMOS TC
· Mapping needs to be published as part of an OASIS spec
1. Other business
· Need agenda items for 1/12/2016 meeting
· Loïc will manage the roster and make sure voting rights are tracked as needed
2. Summary of Action Items (A.I.).
i. A.I. #1 – Alan to check with BYU about recommendation on JSON vs Abstract OM approach
ii. A.I. #2 – David to request GIT repo
iii. A.I. #3 – David to request creation of Wiki
iv. A.I. #4 – All, please consider volunteering as editor for 1 of the 2 specs
3. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 am
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
51% of voting members
Achieved quorum |
yes |
Individual Attendance |
Contributing Members: 9 of 18 (50%) Voting Members: 8 of 12 (66%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance |
Contributing Companies: 9 of 14 (64%) Voting Companies: 8 of 10 (80%)