Regular monthly LEXIDMA TC meeting

When:  Aug 24, 2020 from 14:00 to 15:00 (WET)

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Moved 1 week later based on consensus of the 20 July meeting

1. Administrative

  • roll call


  • appoint scribe

[need a pool of scribe volunteers to rotate the duty]

  • approve minutes from previous 2 meetings
    minutes from June 15 pending, action Simon
    minutes from July 20 pending, action Michal

2. Material

discuss normtaive keywords style


  • LEXIDMA TC liaisons and appointement of reps
    • TEI Lex-0 appointement of rep pending

Call for a liaison rep 


3. Closing Admin

  • Recap of agreed actions
  • AOB
  • Adjourn [no later than 1400 UTC]


- The meeting started at 15:00 Central European Summer Time. Chair: David
Filip. Minute taker: Carole Tiberius. 

1. Administrative

roll call

- Attendance was taken and voting rights updated 

 dF, Ilan, Simon, John, Iztok, Tomaz, Carole 

 Quorum reached with 6/9 voters present 

Carole will gain voting rights after today's meeting 

appoint scribe
[need a pool of scribe volunteers to rotate the duty]

Carole volunteered

approve minutes from previous 2 meetings
minutes from June 15 pending, action Simon
minutes from July 20

- The minutes from the last meeting (20 July) are approved (df moved, John seconded, no dissent).

The minutes from the previous meeting (15 June) are still pending. We will be approving them at the next meeting. 


2. Material

DMLex WD Technical discussion

Based on technical contributions received by 20th August 2020 [none received]
Continue discussion of design principles
Review Michal's finding on the use of subentries and subsenses in ELEXIS data
Do we have consensue on the fused design principles?

- The chair acknowledged the late contribution email sent by Michal earlier today on "Embedding and recursion in dictionaries: preliminary observations".

As Michal and Milos were unfortunately not present at today's meeting, we will revisit Michal's action item at the next meeting.

- We clarified the difference between nesting and recursion.

--Recursion: A mathematical phenomenon; a special kind of nesting where an object/element of one type is allowed to contain other objects/elements of the same type. Allows for infinite looping which we want to avoid

--Nesting: an object/element is allowed to contain other objects/elements. (Ilan noted that nesting is the term more familiar to lexicography)

One of the design principles still under consideration states "Avoid recursion (of the core elements)"
Michal's email and the minutes from the previous meeting already show that dictionaries rarely go beyond two levels. The question is whether nesting is still done by lexicographers who create a dictionary in 2020, as as Simon explains, the LEXIDMA model should cover the situations lexicographers find themselves in when compiling a dictionary in 2020. It does not necessarily have to cover all the situations that TEI Lex-0 and Ontolex-Lemon cover.
Lexicography currently finds itself in a transition period with XML and the traditional way of thinking to a more relational way of thinking (a route already taken by Ontolex). So for instance, you can have senses within senses, but you model them all as senses and then specify the relations between them.

On the basis of this, a new design principle is added (under the principles that are still under consideration): Prefer relational modeling to nesting.  was edited during the meeting to reflect this. 


3. Closing Admin

Recap of agreed actions

- The date of the next meeting is on 21 September 2020.

- pending action on Simon for June minutes

- pending action on Michal for multilevel embedding findings in historical dictionary data

AOB - none
Adjourn [no later than 1400 UTC]

 - The meeting was adjourned at 16:00 Central European Summer Time. 

Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum yes
Individual Attendance Contributing Members: 7 of 14 (50%)
Voting Members: 6 of 9 (66%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Contributing Companies: 4 of 9 (44%)
Voting Companies: 4 of 6 (66%)