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OASIS DITA Technical Subcommittee meeting minutes Monday, May 1, 2017 Recorded by Jane Credland ————————— Attendees: Bob Thomas Joe Storbeck Robert Anderson Éric Sirois Jane Credland ————————— 1. Approve minutes from April 3, 2017 Moved by Bob, seconded by Joe. Approved without corrections. ————————— 2. DITA NA Bob - did his presentation on Tuesday am. It seemed to be fairly well received. One of the things that I was encouraged by was that there was some interest in the audience about how to participate. Gave them info about how to join OASIS. Don’t recall any negative discussion about items in temp presentation. Talked about Troubleshooting; scott talked about compliance stuff; some discussion about separating technical content from the spec. Also talked about the desire to simplify configuration - didn’t get too far into the discussion Robert - some misunderstanding in the audience about some technical details about how things are done. One person thought part and chapter were being moved into another domain so that they could be used in other maps. Need to talk about it in a way that doesn’t cause more confusion. Robert - if you just say that it’s a domain - the common understanding of domain is that it’s elements that are available in a bunch of places. Bob - I don’t know that we entirely took away her concerns. Robert - she seemed a little happier at the end. Reassured her that he basic map wouldn’t have these. Bob - presentation went well. Very grateful for Scott and Robert’s contributions to the presentation. Bob - rest of the conference seemed to have a little more people there than last year. ————————— 3. Inlines Discussion Postponed since Scott and Don aren’t present. ————————— 4. Separation of Technical Content Bob - no additional feedback on updated proposal. He will put it on the agenda for the TC. ————————— 5. Troubleshooting Model Bob - straw model posted in a public repo on bitbucket. Jane - do we want to put reviewing it on the agenda for the next meeting? Bob - I think so, and he’ll do a show and tell at that meeting.
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