Regular monthly LEXIDMA TC meeting

When:  Nov 16, 2020 from 13:30 to 15:00 (WET)

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This is the up to date agenda

1. Administrative

  • roll call
  • appoint scribe
  • approve minutes from meeting on 19th October

??2. Material

  • DMLex Working Draft format
    Decision to go for Docbook has been made (to be developed on GitHub
  • Decision to go for OASIS or ISO normative style and structure
  • DMLex WD Technical discussion
    • Based on technical contributions received by 9th November 2020
    • Continue desig principles discussion
  • LEXIDMA TC liaisons and appointement of reps
    • TEI Lex-0 still open call?

3. Closing Admin

  • Recap of agreed actions
  • AOB
  • Adjourn [no later than 1500 UTC]




1. Administrative

·         roll call: Quorum achieved (5 of 8 voting members)

Iztok, Simon, John, Mark Nixon, dF, Michal 

·         appoint scribe: Iztok Kosem


·         approve minutes from meeting on 19th October

Motion seconded by Simon and Michal

No objections

Minutes approved.


??2. Material

·         DMLex Working Draft format
Decision to go for Docbook has been made (to be developed on GitHub


·         Decision to go for OASIS or ISO normative style and structure


David sent the email with a summary of OASIS and ISO styles. David also summaries the email contents at the meeting. The biggest challenge is the difference in normative language of the two styles.

ISO not free and that was the original argument to go for OASIS. There would be also a clash with LMF.


Consensus: We agree that we continue with the OASIS style.

No obejctions.

ACTION: David to prepare OASIS template on the GitHub repo.


·         DMLex WD Technical discussion

Michal has not yet continued work on the material, i.e. generalization of the flat design for subesnsing, will do that by next meeting.



·         LEXIDMA TC liaisons and appointement of reps

  • TEI Lex-0 still open call?


Possible liaison for TEI would be Toma? Erjavec but he was not present at the meeting and the topic still needs to be discussed with him.

For TEI Lex-0 we could check with Carole Tiberius.

ACTION: We will discuss this at the next meeting, Simon to talk to Toma? and Carole.


3. Closing Admin

·         Recap of agreed actions

Marked under relevant points above.

(dF to prepare OASIS template, Simon to talk to potential TEI liaisons, Michal to generalize the flat technical solution)

·         AOB

Next meeting confirmed for December 21st.


Adjourn [no later than 1500 UTC]: Meeting adjourned at 14:35 UTC

Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum yes
Individual Attendance Contributing Members: 6 of 13 (46%)
Voting Members: 5 of 8 (62%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Contributing Companies: 4 of 8 (50%)
Voting Companies: 3 of 4 (75%)