Counts towards voters eligibility
Csd04 CRM meeting
Could become cs01 progression meeting if all comments editorial and resolved by the meeting time
0900 UTC Monday 14th October [until 1100 UTC]
Review issues from the 4th Public Review
Progress to cs01 if no CRM changes or all CRM changes editorial
Statements of use collection and timeline for COS progression
Agree next meeting time
[Adjourn no later than 1100 UTC]
John, Vojta, Michal, dF 4/6 voters
Review issues from the 4th Public Review
No issues created because no comments received.
Progress to cs01 if no CRM changes or all CRM changes editorial
Because no comments were received in the 4th public review, the TC decided to progress to cs01 with the csd04 version unchanged
Motion to progress to Committee Specification
I move to approve the Secretary requesting that TC Administration hold a Special Majority Vote to approve
Data Model for Lexicography (DMLex) Version 1.0
Working Draft 04
06 September 2024
and all associated artifacts available together from
[accessible from] as a Committee Specification 01 and designate the pdf version of the specification as authoritative.
I further move that the TC affirm that no changes have been made since the last public review.
dF moved, Michal seconded
Rollcall vote:
Form to request the Special majority vote
Statements of use collection and timeline for COS progression
Michal to propose a simple SOU template on the LEXIDMA TC mailing [use form]
Agree next meeting time
31st October 2024 1200 UTC [for up to 1400 UTC]
Adjourned 0934 UTC