4th Tuesday - Regular XLIFF OMOS TC telecenference

When:  Mar 28, 2017 from 17:00 to 18:00 (WET)

See the private action item for dial in details



A. Admin

1- Roll call

8 voters total 

2- Minutes from the last meeting 24 Jan 2017

dF: I move that minutes at the following URI are the official record of our previous meeting from 28th Feb, 2017



B. Material






i) See progress of representing modules vs. general extensibility with the metagroup method

ii) look into inheritance of global preperties from OM structural levels, liff or file levels, or group recursivity?

iii) look into referencing ids between objects

[XLIFF is also not using the id / idref that is standard in XML, we are using a custom mechanism based on NMTOKEN mostly.. for instance is closed with . It is similar to the XML id/idref but has limited scope, only unit] 

iv) pseudo-object for "text"? seems more serialization friendly..

[But when we deal with an array of objects and string values, then you have to interfere with the serialization pipeline much more.. the question is if we want to keep the schema simple or the serialization/deserialization]

v) isntance templates once schema stable

vi) modularity and extensibility via the MDA grouping mechanism

-pending AI Chase

[MDA itself and FS that only has attributes should be fairly simple, next step should be GLS and the real beast to represnet is SLR. MTC and CTR reuse core, so we need to look into nesting for those

vii) representation of composed custom values in schema - '[authority]:[custom value]' e.g. 'msft:fromTM'

3- TBX Mapping

Report from editorial 1-2-1 meeting

current editor's draft: https://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/xliff-omos/trunk/XLIFF-TBX/xliff-tbx-v1.0.pdf

C. Other Topics

1- Date of next meeting

regular date: 11th April

2- Liaisons

dF: GALA TAPICC : reported on OMOS JLIFF and OM progress at GALA Amsterdam as part of the TAPICC session

TBX Steering Committee / ISO TC37/SC3 - preparation for June meeting in Vienna


status of 3rd public review - csprd03

You can follow the new comments / issues handling at https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/XLIFF/?selectedTab=com.atlassian.jira.jira-projects-plugin:issues-panel)

3- Promotion

dF: Start planning for November in Silicon Valley https://locworld.com/events/locworld35-silicon-valley-2017/

The main conf Nov 1-Nov 3, FEISGILTT likely Oct 31-Nov 1, 2017. Save the dates

*CFP status*

Planned JIMACATT workshop in The Hague, May 10-12, 2017

http://www.jiamcatt.org/Home register: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/JIAMCATT-2017-Registration 

*Interoperability and Standards Intereset Group* - interest in XLIFF/LIFF OM based interoperability

4- AOB


A. Admin

1- Roll call

Quorum achieved – 5 of 8 voters present

2- Minutes from the last meeting Feb 28th 2017

dF moves that minutes at the following URI are the official record of our previous meeting from 28th Feb, 2017

Chase seconds – Minutes approved as minutes of record for Feb 28.



B. Material



nothing major to report




  • unsolicited pull request from unknown contributor (jogleasonjr) – contributing minor change to an example (showing white space), no major IP involved, probably ok to accept.
  • pull request on github around simplification of originalData schema / waiting for feedback from Robert
  • second pull request to remove “pc” tag – this one is not controversial and quite straightforward

Discussion around inheritance of source and target properties at fragment level.

Caution, keep in mind that properties can be re-ordered so associations might be lost.

srcLang and trgLang, where to place them if we want to prevent mixed language content at subunit level? Consensus that we don’t want mixed languages at the subunit level. We want to prevent the ability to create mixed collections of subunits.


3- TBX Mapping

Report from editorial 1-2-1 meeting

                Added normative references

Added placeholder for next version of ISO 30042 – new developments expected in late June at Vienna plenary

Updated TBX tags to adhere to new draft version – some minor edits needed (dF and James to follow-up)

Will move to back burner as dependent on TBX updates (next version of standard). TBX now far from techniocally stable

current editor's draft: https://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/xliff-omos/trunk/XLIFF-TBX/xliff-tbx-v1.0.pdf


C. Other Topics

1- Date of next meeting

regular date: 11th April

2- Liaisons

dF: Attending GALA in Amsterdam, organized workshop on GALA TAPICC (reported on OMOS JLIFF and OM progress)

TBX Steering Committee / ISO TC37/SC3 - preparation for June meeting in Vienna

XLIFF TC - 3rd public review draft to be approved next week (You can follow the new comments / issues handling at https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/XLIFF/?selectedTab=com.atlassian.jira.jira-projects-plugin:issues-panel). There was an importnat Call for dissent, agreed to demote the 2.0 change tracking module to an extension status.

3- Promotion

FEISGILTT - Start planning for November in Silicon Valley https://locworld.com/events/locworld35-silicon-valley-2017/. The main conference is Nov 1-Nov 3, FEISGILTT will be held on Oct 31-Nov 1, 2017. Save the dates. Call for papers to come out soon.

JIMACATT - Planned JIMACATT workshop in The Hague, May 10-12, 2017,http://www.jiamcatt.org/Home register: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/JIAMCATT-2017-Registration

*Standards and Interoperability Interest Group (JIMACATT SIIG)* - interest in XLIFF/LIFF OM based interoperability

4- AOB, none

Meeting adjourned

Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum yes
Individual Attendance Contributing Members: 7 of 18 (38%)
Voting Members: 6 of 8 (75%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Contributing Companies: 7 of 14 (50%)
Voting Companies: 6 of 8 (75%)