This meeting will be held over WebEx.
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1. Call to Order and Welcome
2. Volunteer for Note Taking
If no one volunteers, feel free to ask someone directly at least through the chair election. The meeting will run more smoothly if the Convener is not also trying to keep notes. Text logged in a community chat window may be used to supplement the minutes taken by the designated scribe.
3. Roll Call.
All members at the meeting (but not observers) should be listed in the minutes. The attendance list will be cross-checked with the eligible voter list to determine who gains voting rights at the first meeting.
4. Nominations for Chair/Co-Chairs.
Any nominations posted to the TC's mailing list are acknowledged, and the floor is opened for additional nominations.
5. Election of Chair or Co-Chairs
Chairs may be elected by unanimous consent or by voice ballot. If you are a candidate, then I will run the election. Once the TC has a Chair or Co-Chair(s), your convenor role ends and the meeting is handed over to the new Chair(s).
6. Welcome from OASIS Staff
This is a short overview of the OASIS Technical Committee Process and IPR Policy I do if many of the people are new to OASIS. You can skip (and save 20 minutes) if you think most members are already familiar with how work proceeds in OASIS.
7. Review of the TC Charter
This is for informational purposes only; by joining the TC, the members accept the Charter as proposed and no further ratification is required nor can changes be made. It is sometimes useful, however, to provide an overview of the plans and deliverables.
8. Discussion of Contributed Work
If work is to be contributed, this brief discussion of how contribution works may be useful. Any contributions to be made at the first meeting can be made here.
9. Adoption of Standing Rules
Standing Rules can be adopted at any time by a TC. If you know you have some to add on, they can be adopted here.
10. Assignment of Other Responsibilities
The TC may choose to elect one or secretaries, editors, webmasters, or TC liaisons at its first meeting. The role of Secretary is a specific one in the online system and Secretaries can support chairs in roster maintenance, etc.
11. Confirmation of Ongoing Meeting Schedule
Along with determining the frequency, date and time of meetings, it is helpful to determine who will be providing call-in numbers and whether any video-conferencing tools will also be used. All Members must be taken into consideration in the selection of mutually-convenient meeting times and tools. Some Technical Committees rotate calling times in an effort to foster global participation and ensure that no one group is more inconvenienced than another.
12. Any other business
13. Adjourn
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
51% of voting members
Achieved quorum |
yes |
Individual Attendance |
Observing Members: 5 of 16 (31%) Contributing Members: 30 of 49 (61%) Voting Members: 27 of 27 (100%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance |
Observing Companies: 3 of 7 (42%) Contributing Companies: 19 of 27 (70%) Voting Companies: 18 of 18 (100%)