Standing TC Meeting (Conference Call)

When:  Jul 17, 2007 from 11:00 to 12:00 (ET)
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Agenda: 1/ roll call 2/ Approve Previous meeting minutes Accept, reject, or amend. 3/ XLIFF 1.2 Recent Events i Rodolfo fixed the typo in the XML reference in the spec ii Rodolfo fixed the file hierarchy iii Bryan submitted new files and hierarchy to Mary, requesting her to post iv Bryan asked Mary to initiate a TC Ballot to pass the corrected hierarchy and files as XLIFF 1.2 Committee Specification v Bryan received clarification from Mary on how to collect and submit affidavits vi TC voted to return to once-per month meetings: 4/ XLIFF 2.0 - Life after approval of XLIFF 1.2 - Below we have three lists: A. things we want to do, B. things we haven't decided upon yet, and C. things we rule out for 2.0. - Let's look at each item in B. to see if we can move it into A. or C. (or if we're not sure, leave it in B.) - Assign a TC member to each approved 2.0 item A. Items the TC has identified as likely next pursuits for XLIFF 2.0 i Reference implementations or toolkit(s) similar to DITA (Rodolfo) ii XLIFF validator tool to be included in a toolkit (Rodolfo) v XLIFF Round Trip tool could be modified to support: (DITA/ITS -> XLIFF -> Translated DITA model) (Bryan - it looks like I can change the xliffRoundTrip Tool license from GPL to Apache {according to an inquiry I made to, the GPL license expert debunked our misconception that "Once something has a GPL license it is impossible to get out of it"}) - Feature updates: - - Update to XLIFF 1.2 - - Add option to produce minimalist or maximalist XLIFF round trip B. Items the TC has not yet ruled out iii Submitting to ISO once XLIFF becomes an OASIS standard iv Additional Representation Guides (DITA,.NET / Win32, Docbook) vi Subsetting / restricting XSD as proposed by Christian vii Version control Metadata - need to track revision information viii Ability to store Multilingual Content. ix Create a bare-bones XLIFF core, then provide extension modules that support additional features. x "Simplify, Extend and Clarify" (Core XLIFF functionality would be in primary XLIFF namespace; would be very simple to implement.) (Extensions would provide support for more complicated features like, Segmentation, Pre-Translation, Generic Inline Markup, etc.) xi Schema Catalogues; host a namespace Catalogues for XLIFF 3rd party custom / extension namespaces. xii More work on inline-elements: (Separate inline elements from other elements? Maybe as an extension? Stronger rules for when to use each inline tag?) xiii Define a multi-lingual "Localisation Kit" format, which may include: (XLIFF content + original source material+ all target language files+ skeleton files + reference files + some sort of manifest document describing/defining the payload. xiv Using XLIFF as a primary content authoring container. (Author stores contend directly to XLIFF instead of another proprietary format.) xv Terminology Markup (Has been suggested by Kara Warburton of IBM some time ago to support terminology markup such as translate (yes/no), subject-categorization, type, etc.) xvi [added April 15] Propose we create a requirements document for XLIFF 2.0 along the lines of the requirements document the W3C's XSLT committee drafted for their XSLT 2.0 requirements: C. Items the TC has ruled out as likely features for XLIFF 2.0 5/ Next steps A. June 16, TC Ballot Vote: Approve XLIFF 1.2 (corrected typo version) as Committee Spec Ballot B. June 24, Begin to collect affidavits C. Rename, re-title, repost XLIFF 1.2 Specification and profiles to reflect the Committee Specification status (Rodolfo) "Certification by at least three OASIS member organizations that they are successfully using the specification;" ( The following OASIS members were identified and sent requests: - Fredrik Corneliusson, Lionbridge - Christian Lieske, SAP AG - Matthew Lovatt, Oracle Corporation - Magnus Martikainen, SDL International (Magnus confirmed that the affidavit is available as soon as we need it) - Peter Reynolds, Idiom Technologies, Inc - Reinhard Schaler, Localisation Research Centre (thanks to each member for attempting to obtain certification!) ## Tony said that LISA is also a qualified organization and that we could ask Michael or Arle ## Rodolfo said he can get a certification form Arle or Michael (Rodolfo is a member of the OSCAR Steering Committee) D. Update whitepaper (Bryan will begin this; Rodolfo and Tony will contribute - Tony located the latest version here: E. Update FAQ (Doug, Christian, Rodolfo's work is here: F. Bryan and Tony submit a TC (via email) ballot for TC approval to submit the XLIFF 1.2 Committee Specification to the membership of OASIS for consideration as an OASIS Standard G. Bryan and Tony request TC OASIS Administrator to submit the XLIFF 1.2 Committee Specification to the membership of OASIS for consideration as an OASIS Standard H. [Date TBD] (assuming all conditions have been met) TC OASIS Administrator submits the XLIFF 1.2 Committee Specification to the membership of OASIS for consideration as an OASIS Standard I. [Date TBD] OASIS members have until the middle of the month to vote (1st 14 days are reserved for OASIS members familiarizing themselves with the spec) J. [Date TBD] If at least 15% of OASIS voting membership has voted to approve, and no negative votes, XLIFF 1.2 becomes an OASIS Standard. 6/ Reports from liaisons involved with other standards groups: A. W3C i18n B. Oscar C. Trans-WS D. LRC E: OASIS DITA Translation Subcommittee 7/ Any Other Business

Minutes: 1/ roll call There was 7 members present as recorded in Kavi. Apologies: Bryan, Anrzej 2/ Approve Previous meeting minutes Accept, reject, or amend. Minutes accepted as a correct record. Proposed by Doug, Seconded by Rodolfo. 3/ XLIFF 1.2 Recent Events i Rodolfo fixed the typo in the XML reference in the spec ii Rodolfo fixed the file hierarchy iii Bryan submitted new files and hierarchy to Mary, requesting her to post iv Bryan asked Mary to initiate a TC Ballot to pass the corrected hierarchy and files as XLIFF 1.2 Committee Specification v Bryan received clarification from Mary on how to collect and submit affidavits vi TC voted to return to once-per month meetings: Ballot is currently in progress. Rodolfo mentioned that not all the file had been uploaded. He has contacted Mary about this. He will contact her again and cc Bryan, Tony and Peter. Affidavits – Tony checked that members knew about affidavit. This should happen as soon as the spec is approved. Once the ballot passes Bryan will sent out a boiler plate example and examples from other TCs. Christian raised some issues on how this worked and Tony explained the proces. 4/ XLIFF 2.0 - Life after approval of XLIFF 1.2 - Below we have three lists: A. things we want to do, B. things we haven't decided upon yet, and C. things we rule out for 2.0. - Let's look at each item in B. to see if we can move it into A. or C. (or if we're not sure, leave it in B.) - Assign a TC member to each approved 2.0 item A. Items the TC has identified as likely next pursuits for XLIFF 2.0 i Reference implementations or toolkit(s) similar to DITA (Rodolfo) ii XLIFF validator tool to be included in a toolkit (Rodolfo) v XLIFF Round Trip tool could be modified to support: (DITA/ITS -> XLIFF -> Translated DITA model) (Bryan - it looks like I can change the xliffRoundTrip Tool license from GPL to Apache {according to an inquiry I made to, the GPL license expert debunked our misconception that "Once something has a GPL license it is impossible to get out of it"}) - Feature updates: - - Update to XLIFF 1.2 - - Add option to produce minimalist or maximalist XLIFF round trip B. Items the TC has not yet ruled out iii Submitting to ISO once XLIFF becomes an OASIS standard iv Additional Representation Guides (DITA,.NET / Win32, Docbook) vi Subsetting / restricting XSD as proposed by Christian - V2.0 vii Version control Metadata - need to track revision information - V2.0 viii Ability to store Multilingual Content. - V2.0 ix Create a bare-bones XLIFF core, then provide extension modules that support additional features. - V2.0 - Magnus to add more info on the benefits for this. x "Simplify, Extend and Clarify" - V2.0 – We discused whether this should be merged with the previous item. (Core XLIFF functionality would be in primary XLIFF namespace; would be very simple to implement.) (Extensions would provide support for more complicated features like, Segmentation, Pre-Translation, Generic Inline Markup, etc.) xi Schema Catalogues; host a namespace Catalogues for XLIFF 3rd party custom / extension namespaces. - V2.0 –It was agreed that Rodolofo should look at catalogues which OASIS has already developed. xii More work on inline-elements: - v 2.0 (Separate inline elements from other elements? Maybe as an extension? Stronger rules for when to use each inline tag?) xiii Define a multi-lingual "Localisation Kit" format, which may include: (XLIFF content + original source material+ all target language files+ skeleton files + reference files + some sort of manifest document describing/defining the payload. – Could be part of XLIFF 1.2 adoption. xiv Using XLIFF as a primary content authoring container. – V 2.0 (Author stores contend directly to XLIFF instead of another proprietary format.) xv Terminology Markup – (Has been suggested by Kara Warburton of IBM some time ago to support terminology markup such as translate (yes/no), subject-categorization, type, etc.) No additional information from Kara xvi [added April 15] Propose we create a requirements document for XLIFF 2.0 along the lines of the requirements document the W3C's XSLT committee drafted for their XSLT 2.0 requirements: - C. Items the TC has ruled out as likely features for XLIFF 2.0 We had a high level conversation on what should be in XLIFF 2.0. – See notes after each agenda item. It was suggested that some items such as representation guides and ISO submision should be a separate item on future agenda. Rodolfo suggested that there should be a tool specific catalogue. Tony suggested that the WIKI should be used to list 2.0 suggestions. The URL for the WIKI is We will create a page with high level items for version 2.0. We will create three WIKI pages: • XLIFF 1.2 adoption • Items we should have • Items we would like to have Tony said he would look after creating the WIKI pages. Rodolfo and Peter to help with this. It was also agreed that we would track who has sumitted what. Tony suggested that we re-organize the agenda so that we deal with items for 1.2 adoption and items for the next major release. 5/ Next steps A. June 16, TC Ballot Vote: Approve XLIFF 1.2 (corrected typo version) as Committee Spec Ballot B. June 24, Begin to collect affidavits C. Rename, re-title, repost XLIFF 1.2 Specification and profiles to reflect the Committee Specification status (Rodolfo) "Certification by at least three OASIS member organizations that they are successfully using the specification;" ( The following OASIS members were identified and sent requests: - Fredrik Corneliusson, Lionbridge - Christian Lieske, SAP AG - Matthew Lovatt, Oracle Corporation - Magnus Martikainen, SDL International (Magnus confirmed that the affidavit is available as soon as we need it) - Peter Reynolds, Idiom Technologies, Inc - Reinhard Schaler, Localisation Research Centre (thanks to each member for attempting to obtain certification!) ## Tony said that LISA is also a qualified organization and that we could ask Michael or Arle ## Rodolfo said he can get a certification form Arle or Michael (Rodolfo is a member of the OSCAR Steering Committee) D. Update whitepaper (Bryan will begin this; Rodolfo and Tony will contribute - Tony located the latest version here: E. Update FAQ (Doug, Christian, Rodolfo's work is here: F. Bryan and Tony submit a TC (via email) ballot for TC approval to submit the XLIFF 1.2 Committee Specification to the membership of OASIS for consideration as an OASIS Standard G. Bryan and Tony request TC OASIS Administrator to submit the XLIFF 1.2 Committee Specification to the membership of OASIS for consideration as an OASIS Standard H. [Date TBD] (assuming all conditions have been met) TC OASIS Administrator submits the XLIFF 1.2 Committee Specification to the membership of OASIS for consideration as an OASIS Standard I. [Date TBD] OASIS members have until the middle of the month to vote (1st 14 days are reserved for OASIS members familiarizing themselves with the spec) J. [Date TBD] If at least 15% of OASIS voting membership has voted to approve, and no negative votes, XLIFF 1.2 becomes an OASIS Standard. 6/ Reports from liaisons involved with other standards groups: A. W3C i18n B. Oscar C. Trans-WS D. LRC E: OASIS DITA Translation Subcommittee 7/ Any Other Business

Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum true
Counts toward voter eligibility true
Individual Attendance Members: 7 of 38 (18%)
Voting Members: 7 of 11 (63%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Companies: 7 of 25 (28%)
Voting Companies: 7 of 11 (63%)