P&L SC meeting

When:  Nov 20, 2012 from 17:00 to 18:00 (WET)
Associated with  XLIFF Promotion and Liaison SC


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Breaking News: Rodolfo resigning as editor of XLIFF 2.0

Symposium Follow Up


Discussed situation about Rodolfo leaving

AI: Bryan to post on TC list that TC is looking for a schema expert and a specification editor, and that these two do not need to be the same person.

AI: Joachim to check with Fredrik if he wants to become editor/ if he has bandwidth near term.

Tom and Fredrik occur as possible schema writers, Yves is likely to continue editing inline markup. David would eventually volunteer for spec writing if no one else answers the call.


Symposium Follow Up

David is working on proceedings of FEISGILTT and Sympsoium, will submit to the publsiher with his Introduction, Asanka's and Klemens' papers as smaples.

Details of submission circulated over EasyChair

AI: Bryan to write up a paper on Applied XLIFF during the holiday season to be submitted early Jan 2013

Voice of the Customer capturing

AI: Bryan to set up a wiki page and announce to SC with TC on CC

State of the Art report

AI: David to submit the report based on spring data to SC consideration by the end of the week

Report to be approved in next SC

Building of XLIFF corpus for data mining

This should be a TC/SC initiative, not UL. Discussed possibility to contribute production and mock up files

AI: Bryan to check for loops to be jumped to share Tek XLIFFs containing publcily accessible data

AI: Joachim to check with LIOX production on possibility to provide possibly annonymized production samples.


Meeting adjourned

Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 0% of voting members
Achieved quorum yes
Individual Attendance Contributing Members: 3 of 8 (37%)
Voting Members: 3 of 6 (50%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Contributing Companies: 3 of 6 (50%)
Voting Companies: 3 of 5 (60%)