Description: Tuesday, 17 Feb 04:00PM London/Dublin / 08:00 AM PST
International Dial-In: +44 118 376 9023
Meeting ID: 30543
Agenda: 1. Roll Call
2. Accept, Amend or Reject Previous Meeting Minutes:
3. Welcome New TC Prospective Members: Florian Sachse, individual; Magnus Martikainen, TRADOS Inc.
4. Work in Progress:
a. Represetation Guides:
i. HTML / RTF:
ii. WinRes (John, Yves) - >
iii. Resx (Enda, Gerard)
iv. Java Property Resource Bundles (Tony)
v. Java Properties (John)
vi. XForms ( Andrzej ) ->
b. Change Management (Proposal Process)
i. Process (Tony) ->
ii. Form (John)
5. Discussion on Segmentation (
6. All Other Business.
7. /Next XLIFF teleconference scheduled for Tuesday, 16 Mar, 2004 at 4pm GMT / 11am EST / 8am PST.
Minutes: 1. Roll Call
There were 8 voting members and 2 non voting members present as record in Kavi.
Apologies: Enda, Milan, Doug
2. The minutes of the last meeting were accepted as a correct record. Proposed by Bryan and seconded by Mat.
3. Welcome New TC Prospective Members: Magnus Martikainen, TRADOS Inc. Tony welcomed Magnus who works with the Trados translation tool development team in California. Magnus has already been in correspondence with the TC over the issue of segmentation. Florian Sachse, individual; Tony mentioned Florian from the Pass engineering group was planning to join the TC.
4. Work in Progress:
a. Representation Guides:
i. HTML / RTF:
Bryan detailed the work which he and Yves have done in this area. There are some differences of opinion between the two of them which would like to bring to the group for clarification. Bryan mentioned processing instructions as an example of this.
They have a table which outlines every HTML element and they want to complete this. Yves and Bryan will be resuming the work on this at the end of the month and will have this ready by the next meeting. Tony thanked them for the work they have done and asked for the TC to comment on this document. Bryan said he particularly wanted feedback on 'comments', 'processing instructions' and 'cdata'. He also mentioned that he had yet ot look at rtf.
ii. WinRes (John, Yves) - >
iii. Resx (Enda, Gerard)
Gerard and Enda have met on a number of occassions and are working on a detailed representation. Enda has sent a mail which details this. Gerard agreed that Enda and he would go through this again and present it to the TC.
iv. Java Property Resource Bundles (Tony)
Tony will have this for the next meeting.
v. Java Properties (John)
Nothing reported
vi. XForms ( Andrzej ) ->
This has been incorporated within the HTML work done by Yves and Bryan.
b. Change Management (Proposal Process)
i. Process (Tony) ->
Tony sent around a document for making new proposals (see link above). He outlined this to the meeting. This will gives us a way to formally track proposals that come to the TC and reply to them. Tony will amend this and put this to a vote at our next meeting.
ii. Form (John)
Nothing reported
5. Discussion on Segmentation (
Tony introduced this topic. He suggested that we might create a sub group to look at this. He mentioned the recent SRX specification from Lisa as something which we might look at. Magnus outlined his thinking in this area. He suggested the ability to deal with segmentation would be useful if XLIFF was to be used an interchange format within translation tools.
It was agreed that we would establish a sub-group to look at segmentation. It was suggested that this may be implemented by using extensions within 1.1 and writing a whitepaper. Yves, Andrzey, Euju, Mat?, Magus, John? and Peter were suggested as members. It was suggested that we meet on Tuesday 2 weeks, March 2nd. Tony will work with the team to find a chair for this meeting.
6. All Other Business:
Andrzej raised 5 new topics for the TC to discuss:
a/Embedding terminology for translators into XLIFF
b/standardization of skeleton files for XML
c/transformation metrics: XLIFF provides an excellent opportunity to capture and present translation metrics. May be something we need to do in conjunction with LISA (sort of like an SRX group).
d/XML representation guide should be added to our work.
e/Would like to share with the group his whitepaper on Validation of XLIFF content.
Tony suggested that these 5 suggestions should be submitted using the new Proposal Form, so we can track them. Andrzej agreed to do this once the form was sent out.
7. /Next XLIFF teleconference scheduled for Tuesday, 16 Mar, 2004 at 4pm GMT / 11am EST / 8am PST.
Achieved quorum: false
Counts toward voter eligibility: true
Individual Attendance- Members: 10 of 41 (24%)
- Voting Members: 9 of 17 (52%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance- Companies: 8 of 19 (42%)
- Voting Companies: 7 of 10 (70%)
Quorum rule: 51% of voting members