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1. Administrative
- roll call
- appoint scribe
- approve minutes from previous meeting
- Welcome members on behalf of MU
??2. Material
- DMLex Working Draft
- DMLex WD Technical discussion
- Based on technical contributions received
- Development in forks? PRs to review?
3. Closing Admin
- Recap of agreed actions
- Adjourn [no later than 1400 UTC]
1. Admin
Toma?, dF, Iztok, John, Michal, Adam, Carole
Quorum: 6/7 voters present
Adam became a voting member at the end of the meeting
Minutes from 19th April were not available for approval. Action on Toma? to publish the minutes from 19th April
2. Material
Michal's proposal |
was discussed and compared with objectives set in
agreed design principles
in particular
- minimize number of technical options to express the same content
and some previoulsy agreed technical solutions
in particular Multiword expressiions, homogrpahs etc.
The consenus of LEXIDMA TC members was that the proposed model is too flexible and not prescriptive or modular enough to fulfil agreed business objectives and design principles. ELEXIS gathered a large group of industry and academic observers, so that it can design DMLex as a simple, modular, and easily implementable prescriptive standard that will not be able to express all histrically used structures but will instead drive a widely interoperable best practice based solution.
Despite being too flexible for the intended DMLex Standard, the curernt proposal seems useful as a metamodel. The model Michal previously propsed seems as a more suitable instance of the same metamodel. [the PR was not merged becuase of incompatibilty with the OASIS template rather than because of its technical merits]
Even as a metamodel the currently discussed proposal shouldn't use the term "segment" for the "property bag" that clusters available expressions for lexicographic use in the proposed metamodel. Segment is a term widely used in related industry and standardization areas such as the localization and translation industry and Unicode related standards such as UAX #29
- Development in forks? PRs to review?
- Editorial meeting planned for 31st May [dF, Michal, Carole, Miloš, Simon]
3. Closing Admin
- Recap of agreed actions - editorial meeting planned, next TC meeting conformed for 21st June
- AOB - None
- Adjourned by 1400 UTC
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
51% of voting members
Achieved quorum |
yes |
Individual Attendance |
Contributing Members: 8 of 15 (53%) Voting Members: 6 of 7 (85%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance |
Contributing Companies: 4 of 9 (44%) Voting Companies: 3 of 4 (75%)