Regular monthly LEXIDMA TC meeting

When:  Jan 18, 2021 from 13:30 to 15:00 (WET)

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This preliminary agenda will be finalized by 11th January 2021.

1. Administrative

  • roll call
  • appoint scribe
  • approve minutes from previous meeting


2. Material

  • DMLex Working Draft 
    • dF and Simon can merge PRs made by other members after TC approval.
    • All contributors to fork and PR
    • WD template at
      • dmlex.xml is the master editable file
      • is the html build that can be inspected in a browser
      • the tempalate should be edited using an XML editor with DocBook 4.5 support such as Oxygen
  • DMLex WD Technical discussion
    • Based on technical contributions received by 11th January 2021
    • Continue desig principles discussion

ACTION: Michal to generalize the flat solution proposed and accepted for subsensing - PENDING

ACTION: Miloš to chase Michal to have the above action done by 11th January 2021


3. Closing Admin

  • Recap of agreed actions
    • Next meeting date proposed for 15th February 2021 as scheduled, deadline for technical contributions 8th February 2021
  • AOB
  • Adjourn [no later than 1500 UTC]




1. Administrative

  • roll call
    Toma?, dF, Miloš, Iztok, Simon, John, Michal, Mark, Carole
    8/8 voters Mark recorded 1st attendance to renewing voting rights
  • appoint scribe
  • approve minutes from 21st December 2020
    dF moved, Simon seconded, no objections


2. Material

  • DMLex Working Draft [no progress]
    • dF and Simon can merge PRs made by other members after TC approval.
    • All contributors to fork and PR
    • WD template at
      • dmlex.xml is the master editable file
      • is the html build that can be inspected in a browser
      • the tempalate should be edited using an XML editor with DocBook 4.5 support such as Oxygen
  • DMLex WD Technical discussion
    • Based on technical contributions received by 11th January 2021 - none
    • Late contribution by Michal discussed
    • Continue desig principles discussion
        Current consensus wikipage was updated inline with the discussion
        • [agreed as 5] there must be a method fore preserving listing order of senses (but also subentries, and other relations, i.e. display order needs to be explicit)
        • [open as 3] division of labour between children and parents when encoding order of subsenses and subentries

ACTION: Michal and John to to submit entity relationship diagrams with cardinalities by 8 Feb 2021
will try and discuss png versions if a prolonged collaboration on diagrams neede a collaborative transparent editong solutions will need discussed


3. Closing Admin

  • Recap of agreed actions
    • Next meeting date 15th February 2021 as scheduled, deadline for diagrams by Michal and John and other technical contributions is 8th February 2021
  • AOB
    dF announced that he will have to handover some secretariat and editorial effort becuase of job change. Simon, Miloš, Toma?, and dF to take the discussion offline and resolve by next meeting
  • Adjourned 1440 UTC

Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum yes
Individual Attendance Contributing Members: 9 of 13 (69%)
Voting Members: 8 of 8 (100%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Contributing Companies: 5 of 8 (62%)
Voting Companies: 4 of 4 (100%)