I. Admin
A. Approved (via mailing list) meeting minutes for 19-September, 2017
B. XLIFF V2.1 Committee Specification 01 published by the XLIFF TC
II. SOU request
III. Sub Committee Report (0:45 - 0:55)
IV. Current and New Business (0:55 -
I. Admin
Attendance: Bryan, David F., Lucia, Yves, Phil
Regrets: Tom, Souroush (announced his withdrawal last week)
B: I move to approve Meeting minutes as minutes of record, meeting 19 sept 2017:
Y: I second.
B. XLIFF V2.1 Committee Specification 01 published by the XLIFF TC
B: Approving SOU is part of the requirements. Thank you David and Lucia for all your work.
Df: I have a summary on an email sent to the list of the SOUs received. We have 5 SOUs, one of them comes from an organizational member (SDL). Did you have any questions on the SOUs?
SDL SOU was done by Patrick, TC member and endorsed by Nuno Linhares (SDL OASIS primary representative). It talks about XLIFF 2 support in SDL Trados 2017.
We have another one for Umbraco Nu Translation (submitted by Simone Chiaretta, from the Council of European Union). We have a SOU from Yves (Okapi) and Felix (FREME NER Browser API)
The SOU submitted by Souroush, XLIFF Framework in oXygen. It will become a plug and play shortly. It uses the advanced validation in Oxygen.
Taking into account the 5 SOUs, we do not cover the entire specification, still we have a pretty good and wide coverage, especially the complex features, such as the LQI data category in the ITS module..
L: I have two small comments based on a quick analysis: the core and all the modules were covered by at least one tool, and the most implemented module were Translation candidates and metadata (implemented by 3 of the 5 tools). Besides, I noticed one inconsistency on SDL’s SOU regarding the support of the metadata module (it was announced as supported in one answer and unsupported in another answer, my guess is that it was a mistake in the first one).
Df: Yes, those things can be clarified and extended when we will prepare the State of the art report.
DF: I move to approve to accept the Statements of Use for XLIFF Version 2.1. (23 August 2017. OASIS Committee Specification 01. provided by:
SDL - OASIS org member -
Council of Europe - outside OASIS -
Yves Savourel / ENLASO - OASIS Associate member -
Felix Sasaki - OASIS Individual member -
Soroush Saadatfar - individual outside OASIS -
B: I second.
Yes: Lucia, Phil, Bryan, Yves, DavidF
Df: The ballot passes unanimously.
Df: Thank you, we can move now to approve to the next step:
Df: I move to approve the TC officers requesting that TC Administration hold a Special Majority Vote to approve submitting XLIFF Version 2.1 Committee Specification 01 from 23 August 2017 at and all associated normative artifacts as a Candidate OASIS Standard.
B: I second.
Yes: Lucia, Phil, Bryan, Yves, DavidF.
Df: The ballot passes unanimously.
Df: this was a ballot to create a ballot that will be created electronically to fulfill OASIS regulations. The time is good, we can have a look at the COS01 ticket content I developed:
For the summary, I think is better now, it is more informative. [David reads and explains the document’s contents]. I would like to have your opinion/approval on it.
B: I like it as it is. No objections.
Df: Yves, something on the ITS paragraph?
Y: Nothing specific. Looks good.
Df: We will need to publish the meeting minutes immediately, so that I can create the ticket and progress as soon as possible. As soon as the ballot is opened we will know the end date, then I can print out the COS01 version. We have great support from OASIS.
B: Nicely done, David.
B: this was our provisional timetable:
Approve Committee Draft [September 7 - 7 days ]
•Publish Public Review [August 23 - 30 days]
•Reconcile comments, update specification [September 30 - 21 days]
•Approve and submit candidate OASIS Standard [October 3 - 7 days]
•Public review of candidate OASIS standard [October 18 - 15 days]
•Ballot for OASIS Standard approval [November 3 - 14 days]
•XLIFF 2.1 Approved November 17
Df: At Oasis, they changed the process, so the OASIS level membership approval is now a call for dissent. I think we are well perceived.
B: We were nominated for standards award this year for the ISO and last time for the 2.0 version.
B:We have completed the work that we have to do for making the standard progress.
III. Sub Committee Report (0:45 - 0:55)
Df: In the subcommittee, the main activity has been the questionnaire, that allowed us to collect the SOUs, that was well handled by Lucia. The XLIFF symposium, the schedule is now published, we have a good program [David goes through the program and comments on the different talks].
In the programme, you can see the liaisons that we have with other committees and groups in OASIS and elsewhere, ULI, TBX, TAPICC etc.
Y: OMOS, the discussion was to use prefoxes for extensions and namespaces, Phil is working on some implementation.
Df: Is the implementation that you will be presenting in Silicon Valley?
P: No, it will be an earlier version.
Df: We have good support for core in JLIFF, next steps are to build support for modules and extensions via JSON LD URI shortening mechanism..
IV. Current and New Business
Df: I think we can skip next meeting; we should be meeting now onlz if it's needed for further progression of the standard.
B: It makes sense to me.
Df: Also we shouldn't start work on 2.2 until after the requirements gathering at the Symposium
B: It makes sense to me.
B: Meeting adjourned
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
51% of voting members
Achieved quorum |
yes |
Individual Attendance |
Contributing Members: 5 of 34 (14%) Voting Members: 5 of 6 (83%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance |
Contributing Companies: 5 of 16 (31%) Voting Companies: 5 of 5 (100%)