Description: Standing monthly XLIFF TC Teleconference.
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Agenda: 1/roll call
2/Previous meeting minutes (note, August TC teleconf was cancelled due to holidays):
Accept or amend.
3/ Work in Progress:
A. Representation Guides:
a. HTML - final profile document was approved, with minor change made by Tony and reposted ( Document will be submitted to OASIS for public review once spec and all supporting XLIFF profiles documents are complete.
b. NET & Windows Resources
Initial draft of .NET Profile:
Latest draft of Windows RC Data Resources:
c. Java Resource Bundles
Latest Draft of Java Resources Profile:
d. PO Files:
Proposed Profile document submitted by Paul Gampe:
A few minor issues need to be addressed in the profile, after which a ballot will be scheduled. Awaiting update from Paul / Asgier. Must also review if profile was submitted with any restrictive licensing regime - if so it must be documented publicly (ie., GPL).
B. Open issues:
a. Translation of Voice XML Issues
~ Open until resolution of namespace issue.
- Action Item: Mat will submit a proposal on how to handle Voice XML issues.
Latest Update:
Await update from Mat on any concrete proposals...
b. Extending XLIFF with separate namespaces. Addressing this issue is deferred until the new year (when Andzrej has volunteered to spend some time on research).
4/ Segmentation SC:
Segmentation SC is inactive - work is complete.
Ballot to approve both recommendation documents passed ->
All that remains is to update the XLIFF Spec (see related item 5).
5/Specification update issues:
The specficiation will require update to include the recommendations from the Segmentation SC. The updates should require a version revision. TC must discuss and agree to the revision number - XLIFF 1.2? or XLIFF 1.1.1. The chair recommends XLIFF 1.2.
6/XLIFF 1.2 Certification activities:
There is some planning work under way to introduce a certification programme for tools providers who will be generating XLIFF. The programme will be external but the TC will have opportunity to influence and approve testing and certification process. Additional details will be presented by Reinhard.
7/ Reports from liaisons involved with other standards groups:
A. W3C i18n
B. Oscar
C. Trans-WS
Report from LRC Conference from Reinhard.
9/All other business
Minutes: Agenda:
1/roll call
Apologies: Andrzej, Christian
2/Previous meeting minutes (note, August TC teleconf was cancelled due to holidays):
This was accepted as a correct record.
Proposed: Florian Seconded: Tony
3/ Work in Progress:
A. Representation Guides:
a. HTML - final profile document was approved, with minor change made by Tony and reposted ( Document will be submitted to OASIS for public review once spec and all supporting XLIFF profiles documents are complete.
b. NET & Windows Resources
Initial draft of .NET Profile:
Latest draft of Windows RC Data Resources:
c. Java Resource Bundles
Latest Draft of Java Resources Profile:
It was agreed that we would read and submit all comments on the representations guides by the end of September. We have provisionally agreed to have a ballot starting September 30th which will end 12 noon GMT+1 on the day of our next meeting, October 18th.
Florian will try and complete the R Data file resource profile within the next two weeks. He is reviewing this profile to review items and remove anything that is not relevant to localisation.
d. PO Files:
Proposed Profile document submitted by Paul Gampe:
A few minor issues need to be addressed in the profile, after which a ballot will be scheduled. Awaiting update from Paul / Asgier. Must also review if profile was submitted with any restrictive licensing regime - if so it must be documented publicly (ie., GPL).
Asgier from RedHat has resubmitted this. There were a number of issues which were raised and resolved. Tony will also include this in the scheduled ballots at the beginning of October if no issues are raised by the end of September.
B. Open issues:
a. Translation of Voice XML Issues
~ Open until resolution of namespace issue.
- Action Item: Mat will submit a proposal on how to handle Voice XML issues.
Latest Update:
Await update from Mat on any concrete proposals...
Mat was not online and we need to resolve the namespace issue.
b. Extending XLIFF with separate namespaces. Addressing this issue is deferred until the new year (when Andzrej has volunteered to spend some time on research).
4/ Segmentation SC:
Segmentation SC is inactive - work is complete.
Ballot to approve both recommendation documents passed ->
All that remains is to update the XLIFF Spec (see related item 5).
Tony will be working on updating the spec in the light of this.
5/Specification update issues:
The specification will require update to include the recommendations from the Segmentation SC. The updates should require a version revision. TC must discuss and agree to the revision number - XLIFF 1.2? or XLIFF 1.1.1. The chair recommends XLIFF 1.2.
It was agreed to go with 1.2. Tony raised the issue of having a long review period for a minor update.
Tony proposed a ballot on the proposal to approve the changing of the version number from version 1.1 to 1.2.
This was approved unanimously with 8 votes in favour.
6/XLIFF 1.2 Certification activities:
There is some planning work under way to introduce a certification programme for tools providers who will be generating XLIFF. The programme will be external but the TC will have opportunity to influence and approve testing and certification process. Additional details will be presented by Reinhard.
Reinhard gave an overview of the ignite program which the LRC has proposed and had accepted as an EU project. See:
They are working on the first phase of this program and looking at testing standards or emerging standards. Patrick Gannon has attended a recent Ignite project. There is a plan to have a two day workshop in December. The first day will be an introduction to the technology and the second day will concentrate on the work of Ignite.
Tony also reported on a meeting with Patrick Gannon who has also mentioned other TCs which may need Internationalisation and localisation expertise. In particular the emergency management TC. Tony asked whether we might want to look at forming a sub-committee to look at this or whether we wanted to do it informally. Several people said that they would be interested in helping this on an informal basis. It was also suggested that some TCs might benefit from our Internalisation and Localisation experience.
7/ Reports from liaisons involved with other standards groups:
A. W3C i18n – Meeting today in Nice
B. Oscar – No one present.
C. Trans-WS – Peter reported that they are implementing a test implementation in conjunction with the LRC.
d. LRC Conference –
Report from LRC Conference from Reinhard.
A successful 2 day conference which included a speech from Patrick Gannon. The launch of Global Initiative for Local Computing took place at the conference
Localisation World – Seattle – Bryan is presenting on a panel chaired by Yves Savourel
9/All other business – none
10/ Next meeting – October 18th
Achieved quorum: false
Counts toward voter eligibility: true
Individual Attendance- Members: 8 of 37 (21%)
- Voting Members: 8 of 13 (61%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance- Companies: 6 of 20 (30%)
- Voting Companies: 6 of 10 (60%)
Quorum rule: 51% of voting members