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8:00-8:05 Roll call
Approve minutes from previous business meetings:
* (13 October 2009, Frankland)
Subcommittee/liaison reports (as needed)
* OASIS DITA Semiconductor Information Design Subcommittee
1. ITEM: DITA 1.2 specification
* Spreadsheet and DITA topics located in the Subversion repository
* Information about contributors, deadlines, editorial guidelines, Subversion clients, and more
* Business:
1. Progress report on spec review
o [Eberlein] All reviews are completed as of 12 October except for the following
o DITA markup: Kimber
o Specialization, Customization: Joseph
o Technical content (arch spec): Day
o L & T (both arch spec and lang ref): L & T subcommittee (expected completion 10/13), Nevin 80%
o Common attributes: Kimber, Eberlein 75% completed
2. Update spec author/review schedule (need to push out 1-2 weeks)
3. Authors meeting this week to ensure all topics are brought into sync
o Implementing "referencing element" and "referenced element" terminology
o Implementing cascade vs. inherit terminology
o Moving content of some elements -> XML comments; for the next review, we should be using elements only for comments to reviewers.
o Ensuring conformance statements are valid, correct and correctly marked up ("must", "should" etc. correctly used and marked up)
o Can we agree to a time to meet this Thursday?
* Follow up:
o Order for lang ref files
+ (Eberlein)
+ (Nevin)
+ (Ogden)
o conref terminology (now split out as an editorial discussion)
o Seth Park questions:
+ processor requirments w.r.t. metadata elements
+ dtds are normative?
+ conflicting input: what props begot
1. ITEM: Resumption of: task vs. general task, constraints, conref, and other related issues
* (Ogden summary)
* for reference: (Anderson)
* wiki summary: Summary of task vs. general task, constraints, conref, and other related issues
o (Ogden, and following thread)
* Despite the title of this item, we covered weak/strong constraints and single ditabase last week.
* Start by withdrawing previous motion (Don Day--converge items 3 and 4)
* items below are continued from previous week:
2. ITEM: 1.2 Issue: Glossary Group Topic Type Not Included in ditabase
* (Kimber)
* Resume this week with Eliot present
3. ITEM: Audience of Arch Spec
* (Hackos)
4. New ITEM 6 Oct: Standard DITA processing instructions
* (Park)
5. New ITEM 13 Oct: documentation of conref restrictions
* (Nevin)
6. New ITEM 13 Oct: strong/weak constraint proposal
* (Priestley)
7. New ITEM 13 Oct: Element-by-element recommendations for translators
* (Hackos)
8. New ITEM: 20 Oct: Proposal to the OASIS DITA TC to form a "DITA for the Web" Sub-Committee
* (Hunt)
Ongoing checks:
8:50-8:55 Announcements/Opens
8:55 Adjourn
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
51% of voting members |
Achieved quorum |
true |
Counts toward voter eligibility |
true |
Individual Attendance |
Members: 15 of 188 (7%) Voting Members: 14 of 18 (77%) (used for quorum calculation) |
Company Attendance |
Companies: 11 of 63 (17%) Voting Companies: 10 of 11 (90%) |