Description: Phone Number: 1-916-356-2663
Reservation #: 3
Passcode: 548-1735
[Courtesy of Intel]
7:00am - 10:00am PDT
10:00am - 1:00pm EDT
3:00pm - 6:00pm GMT+1 (UK)
4:00pm - 7:00pm GMT+2 (CET)
Agenda: AGENDA: [Times shown are PST]
7:00am - 7:10am
1. Call to Order, Review of Agenda [Colin E. - 5 min.]
2. Review & Approval of Minutes from July 30-31 Board meeting.
[Chris K. - 5 min.]
Category A Items - Resolutions For Board Approval
7:10am - 7:20am
3. Review & approve TAB Charter Revision
[Eduardo G. & Karl B. - 10 min.]
RESOLVED: That the Consortium revise the TAB Charter in substantially the
form attached to these Board meeting minutes as Exhibit A (the TAB Charter).
See E. Gutentag email of 13 August 2003, \"On Behalf of the TAB\".
See TAB Minutes of 8 August
7:20am - 7:30am
4. Approve Appointment to Fill Vacant TAB Position
[Patrick G. & Karl B. - 10 min.]
RESOLVED: That the Board appoints to fill the vacant position on the
TAB, and this position\'s term expires at the time of the next TAB election
in 2004.
See K. Best email of 21 August 2003, \"Open Position on the TAB\".
7:30am - 8:00am
5. Review and Approve Changes to Bylaws [Patrick G. & Colin E. - 30 min.]
a. make President seat on the Board permanent
b. increase the number of Directors
c. Re-incorporate in Delaware.
See P. Gannon email of 30 July 2003: (Forward of Andy Updegrove Letter)
\"FW: Board Memo and Votes - Bylaws Changes\"
8:00am - 9:20am
6. Review & Approve Remaining Changes to TC Process [Karl B. - 80 min.]
See Karl\'s email of 13 August \"TC Process final issues list\"
Category B Items - For Board Feedback
9:20am - 9:40am
7. Review & discuss IPR Policy [Ed C. - 20 min.]
9:40am - 9:50am
8. Review of June & July Finance Reports [Patrick G. - 10 min.]
See Patrick\'s emails of 20 August, \"REVISED June Financial Report\" and
\"OASIS July Financial Report\".
9:50am - 10:00am
9. Review 2003 Updated Financial Forecast [Jim H. & Patrick G. -
10 min.]
10:00am Adjourn