When:  Dec 18, 2018 from 11:00 to 12:00 (ET)

Please visit this Action Item for dial-in information https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/xliff/members/action_item.php?action_item_id=3663



I. Administration
  A. Approve October 16, 2018 meeting minutes

  B. Approve November 20, 2018 meeting minutes
  C. Approve P & L subcommittee renewal
  Proposed by Lucía https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201812/msg00000.html
  Second by David https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201812/msg00001.html
  *The ballot wording:*
  Mandate of the Promotion and Liaison Subcommittee is hereby extended until December 31, 2020.
  Vote: Yes/No

II. Where do we go next?
  A. XLIFF 2.X or 3.0 wiki space for new features (Bryan)

  B. TM Profile note

  C. ISO approval
  D. A Special Majority Ballot to approve submitting XLIFF V2.1 OS to ISO has been set up
  100% of eligable voters have voted - all in favor.
  E. IANA registration for Media Type application/xliff+xml (David)
  F. Propose we revert to 1-per-month XLIFF meetings in favor of increasing opportunity for off-line work. Can return to 2-per-month when workload justifies this. (Bryan)
  G. TBX, TMX, and SRX as XLIFF modules - call for dialog (Bryan)

III. Subcommittee and sister TC reports
 A. Promotion and Liaison SC (note, moved XLIFF 2.1 press release under this topic)
 B. XOMOS - Sister TC

IV. New business



Attendance: Phil, David F., Allison Ferch, Bryan, Lucía, Tom C.

  1. Administration

B: I move to approve the minute meetings:
  A. Approve October 16, 2018 meeting minutes

Df: I second.

  B. Approve November 20, 2018 meeting minutes

Df: I second.

B: Meeting minutes approved.


  C. Approve P & L subcommittee renewal
  Proposed by Lucía https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201812/msg00000.html
  Second by David https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201812/msg00001.html
  *The ballot wording:*
  Mandate of the Promotion and Liaison Subcommittee is hereby extended until December 31, 2020.
  Vote: Yes/No

Df: Call for dissent.

B: No dissent, motion passes. The subcommittee gets renewed for two more years.


Df: GALA is TC member, Allison is representing it. GALA is contributing to the TAPICC XLIFF Extraction and Merging Best Practice.

A: TAPICC is the initiative that GALA is driving, it is volunteer based. The deriverables are being created and distributed. The first deliverable is “XLIFF 2 extraction and merging best extraction practices”. It is based on an Open Source CC license. We would like to share it with the XLIFF TC.

Df: Any member can upload any contribution. What we will upload is a full package. The release specification is in HTML. It also has its artefacts.  It is an open source licensed.

Df: we have received good input about the good and bad examples that we included.

A: the working groups are finishing the deriverables of track 1, and track 2 will start soon. We need to keep moving it forward. The support from this committee is vital.

Df: you are handing on to the XLIFF TC, so you and Ján can focus on the next thing.

Ph: I am on TAPICC but not really involved at the moment.

Df: Well, you are doing a crucial thing related to the JLIFF development.

Df: There was somebody who was not happy about the symphony (cms) xliff extraction. And we managed to talk to them.

Df: Simone Chiaretta makes references to this in his talks about the best practices we described

B: I think this is a very generous donation. We might need to find somebody to take care of it within the TC.

Df: I guess it will be low effort maintenance. We need to release it as a XLIFF TC note to give it more weight. The maintenance can pass to the XLIFF TC. GALA is interested in standards, but it is not a standardisation body, so once the work it is done, they need to find a new home for it.

A: My role is not technical, but we try to promote and disseminate the work that is being done through TAPICC.

B: this is a good home for it.

Df: we can have a ballot to have it publish as a XLIFF note. My instinct is to have it as a separate note. We will need Tom’s expertise to transform this into the OASIS template. Could you do it?

T: Sure, I can do that.

Df: we will need to talk to Chet Ensign to get the note template so Tom can reformat it, so we can publish it as an official note.

Df: I call a motion to release it as a committee note.

B: I second.

Df: I call for dissent.

Df: Motion passes.

B: Thank you Allison for this generous contribution.


II. Where do we go next?
B: we can think about 2019 and think about the future of the features we have now on the wiki. This is a call for the feature owners to have a look at their features and decide what their future will be for the next year. I do not have any progress to record right now.

Df: I would love Ján from Moravia to join us. We presented at Asling our work on request for XLIFF rendering.

P: I was at the conference. The presentation was very clear and I could see the purpose of the work. And having Ján on the TC would be great.

Df: the paper is a good guidance. I feel confidence that I can progress on the rendering feature.

Ph: I have been busy with JLIFF so I was not making progress on my XLIFF features.

Df: We need more recruiting to move forward to the new version.


B: we need a new videoconference system.

Df: I volunteer to take the action for it.



B: I propose that we close items of the agenda from A to E.

Df: D and E are already concluded.


III. Subcommittee and sister TC reports
 A. Promotion and Liaison SC (note, moved XLIFF 2.1 press release under this topic)

Df: We could try to do another survey on 2.1 support. I would be up to Lucia if she can drive that. I will be in JIAMCATT to propagate XLIFF. We have not got the symposium for some time, we need to talk about this. Locworld is less technical, so it might not be the ideal collocation. I am reluctant to have it in Portugal next year unless I have strong commitment from other members.

B: I can think about my availability.

Df: We will have to discuss the symposium in the next meeting (as an agenda item).


 B: Meeting adjourned.
