Description: Standing monthly XLIFF TC Teleconference.
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Agenda: 1/roll call
2/Previous meeting minutes Amend, Approve, Reject as official record
3/ Work in Progress:
A. XLIFF 1.2 Specification
Committee Spec Process:
The XLIFF 1.2 spec has been revised (20061016 revision date) to address the issues raised in the public review.
Summary of changes:
# Modified "uniquely identifies ... within file" to "uniquely identifies ... within element" in , and .
# Updated date of [XML Names] reference to latest revision.
# Removed SRX specification version numbers, and edited text in Segmentation section.
# Updated RFC3066 to [RFC4066].
# Edited contents of to be same as as per schema.
# Corrected typo "merged-trans element" to "merged-trans attribute".
# A couple of minor typo's reported by Asgeir
# Corrected typos as pointed out by Asgeir in an email to the comments list, including removing from section 2.5.3 the priority attribute erroneously included in the list of extensible attributes
Ballot was openned on 16 Oct and will close on 23 Oct 2006 at 10am.
The PO/POT Representation Guide still requires revision to modify the examples so that they have unique context-group name attribute values. Rudolfo will provide the updated spec shortly and we will
If the ballot passes we will submit the work for a 14 day public review. If no further issues arrise during the review we will conduct a ballot on the spec to approve it as a "Committee Specification".
To progress the work towards an OASIS standard, we need affidavits from OASIS corporate members immediately after approval of the spec as "Committee Specification":
The OASIS TC standards process requires that we submit 3 affidavits from Organisational members (ie., not individual or associate members) in order to submit the spec to OASIS standard process. The following is an acceptable template for such affidavits:
"I certify that is successfully using the XLIFF 1.2 specification, as approved for submission to the OASIS membership, consistent with the requirements of the OASIS Technical Committee Process."
Remaining related work for OASIS Standards Submissionk:
-Update whitepaper to summarise 1.2 revisions.
-Update FAQ to summarise 1.2 revisions.
B. Deferred Open issues:
a. Translation of Voice XML Issues
UPDATE (5 Mar 2006) from Mat:
Archived Historical detail:
~ Open until resolution of namespace issue.
- Mat confirmed that this issue is currently on hold. He will raise again when it becomes an issue in the future.
b. Extending XLIFF with separate namespaces.
Some thought has been put into this issue but not yet even in draft form.
ACTION ITEM: Mat & Andzrej were to work offline to advance this work, but Andzrej has at least temporarily taken leave from the TC. We need to work out who will advance this work.
c. (Closed - placeholder for revision of FAQ/Whitepaper) Best practice: should extraction process create target elements?
Topic proposed by Doug. Discussed in mailing list:
Initial Proposal (Doug):
Comment (Bryan):
Comment (Tony):
Comment (Rodolfo):
The optional meeting took place Thursday 1 June. The meeting notes are detailed here:
As a very brief summary, it was agreed that any XLIFF compliant tool should be capable of dealing with empty target elements, since it valid XLIFF. We did not feel it necessary to make any changes to the spec, but felt that an entry in the FAQ and/or whitepaper covering the topic would be helpful. We'll keep this item as a working agenda item until it's time to revise the FAQ / Whitepaper with this information.
d. (OPEN) XLIFF - DITA Best Practices:
Purpose of this discussion is to brainstorm what the TC can and should do to provide guidance to those who want to localise / translate DITA content, with potential recommended best practice centered around XLIFF as intermediate container.
Meeting was held on Thursday, 15 June ->
The best practice of interchanging data between DITA and XLIFF is the same issue as how to interchange data XML and XLIFF in general... e.g., how to use XLIFF with ITS, XML:tm, etc. We suggest that the TC author profile documents similar to the other profiles we've developed, ie, HTML profile... in them we recommend which elements to use or avoid, skeleton file approach, transformation approach, other common problems and recommended solutions. Should address XLIFF ITS, XLIFF XML:TM, XLIFF DITA, maybe XLIFF Docbook.
We need to work out what if anything is required to advance this work.
4/XLIFF 1.2 Certification activities:
Feedback and report from Reinhard if he is in attendance.
5/XLIFF Face to Face
As agreed at that last teleconference, the XLIFF TC face to face will be held in conjunction with the Tekom Conference / OASIS Open Standards Day:
Date: 8-9 November 2006
Location: Wiesbaden, Germany
Venue: Rhein-Main-Hallen
Hosted by: Gesellschaft fr technische Kommunikation e.V. - tekom
It is proposed to hold the XLIFF TC F2F meeting on Friday, 10 November from 10am to 3pm CET (10am EST). Precise meeting location is under review and shall be announced shortly. We may ask for attendees to contribute to or sponsor the cost of a meeting facility. Dial-in facilities are being investigated and every effort will be attempted to secure a phone conference line/phone - with the intended teleconference to take place from 2-3pm CET / 3-4pm GMT / 10am-11am EST.
6/TC IPR Policy Transition
7/ Reports from liaisons involved with other standards groups:
A. W3C i18n
B. Oscar
C. Trans-WS
E: OASIS DITA Translation Subcommittee
8/Any Other Business
Minutes: Roll call recorded in Kavi
Previous minutes: approved, Rodolfo Raya; seconded, Bryan Schnabel
Tony: XLIFF 1.2 specification ballot is currently active
Rodolfo: comments on specification
1. Character encoding is inconsistent, actually iso-8859-1, but labeled at utf-8.
2. Normative date of XML 1.0 was recently changed by W3C. The XLIFF 1.2 spec has an older date.
3. Verb tense describing deprecated attributes is inconsistent in the spec, for example, “is deprecated in version 1.1” or “was deprecated”.
Tony will save the specification file as UTF-8 based on consensus of group.
Tony will stop current ballot and repost after making the changes per Rodolfo’s comments. No objections.
PO/POT representation guide was distributed by Tony after being revised by Rodolfo.
Tony will ballot guide for one week.
Tony: stated request for questions/ideas for FAQ/whitepaper for XLIFF 1.2.
DITA: Rodolfo emailed URL to outline for future paper on using XLIFF to translate DITA and welcomes comments.
XLIFF Face-to-Face:
Scheduled Thurs, 9 Nov 4:00pm local time in Germany (3:00pm GMT) for about two hours.
Primary agenda will be future strategic direction for XLIFF TC
Ideas: ITS, DITA, best practices and interoperability
Tony will send straw-man agenda for F2F meeting to spark discussion.
IPR policy: OASIS ballot for RF on RAND will be coming soon
Rodolfo: OSCAR is completing work on TMX to make it compatible with XLIFF inline tags. SRX is not ready yet.
New business: none
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
51% of voting members |
Achieved quorum |
true |
Counts toward voter eligibility |
true |
Individual Attendance |
Members: 8 of 37 (21%) Voting Members: 7 of 13 (53%) (used for quorum calculation) |
Company Attendance |
Companies: 8 of 24 (33%) Voting Companies: 7 of 12 (58%) |